Snahelper Versions Save

Rstudio Addin for Network Analysis and Visualization


2 years ago
  • Snahelper is now more reproducible by also returning the coordinates explicitly
  • fixed deprecated FA 5 sliders name (changed to sliders-h)


4 years ago
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the calculation of in/out degree in directed networks
  • Fixed a bug that produced warnings for directed networks
  • Fixed label of variable name field for netbuilder and netreader
  • Switched plot and control panel layout to remove scrolling issue.
  • Use {{DT}} for table rendering due to persistent issue with character attributes.


5 years ago
  • tweaking node position is now possible via clicking on desired location
  • added formatR for nicer code output
  • added backbone layout support
  • centrality indices in node attribute manager automatically adapt to type of graph (directed/weighted/etc.)