Sortable Versions Save

Reorderable drag-and-drop lists for modern browsers and touch devices. No jQuery or framework required.


5 months ago
  • #2339: Fixes 1.15.1 regression with not being able to add element into start & end of list.


7 months ago
  • #2203: Fix multi drag sort event not firing
  • #2263: Only call onDrop on destroy if dragged element inside parent element
  • #1686: Prevent drag item from jumping to end of list if last element has smaller width/height


2 years ago
  • #2072: Make sure dragged element is inserted after last dragged element
  • #2084: Added avoidImplicitDeselect option to MultiDrag
  • #2093: Remove ID from cloned element
  • #2095: Remove ignoring click on Chrome for Android when dragging (wasn't necessary)


2 years ago
  • Clarify dataIdAttr option docs
  • #1942: Check if ghost is first
  • #2021: Fix multidrag indicies
  • #2025: Fix reverting with nested sortables
  • Added forceAutoScrollFallback option
  • Add trick for empty sortables to README
  • Use minified version main field of package.json


3 years ago
  • #1681: Fix clicking select tags
  • #1784: Fix "insertBefore error" issue on nested lists
  • #1834: Improve repaint function for compressor scripts
  • Throw error when mounting duplicate plugins
  • #1904: Fix IE11 error when dragging element
  • Improve docs
  • #1571: Ignore pointer events on Safari (Fixes issue with Safari 13+)
  • #1954: Add useAnimation option to sort()


4 years ago
  • #1674: add MSCSSMatrix to matrixFn options
  • #1639: disable delayed drag events during destroy
  • #1644: Remove transform on drop
  • #1689: Added type check for 'dragStarted' variable
  • #1647: Fix(utils): Chrome < 44 not support scrollingElement
  • #1699: Fixed multiplying ghost transform
  • Added Open Collective


4 years ago
  • #1640: Fix OnSpill destroy error
  • Fix errors if imported in NodeJS context


4 years ago
  • #1556: Fix delayOnTouchOnly for android
  • Add tests
  • #1580: Fix plugins' references to options
  • Improve OnSpill support with multiple sortables + fix drop events
  • #1611: Remove MultiDrag events on GLOBAL destroy
  • #1597: Fix docs for enabling plugins
  • #1599: Support for transforms on ghost element
  • Animation performance improvements
  • #1634: Fix onSpill plugins on mobile
  • #1598: Allow selecting with SHIFT key without multiDragKey being down


5 years ago
  • Fixed IE compatibility
  • #1517: Fixed delay issue (again)
  • #1539: Better loop safety


5 years ago
  • Better documentation of plugin usage
  • Fixed issues where Sortable dependency was not available in plugins