SpladePanel Save Abandoned

Experience the elegance of SpladePanel: effortlessly create sleek dashboards. Harness Laravel Splade's intuitive SPA-building features for seamless speed and visual allure.

Project README


Welcome to SpladePanel, where you can dive into a world of elegance and simplicity. Unleash the power of SpladePanel to effortlessly create stunning dashboards that combine speed and visual allure using the intuitive SPA-building features of Laravel Splade.


  • Utilizes Laravel 10 framework
  • Integrates with Jetstream
  • Smart Error Tracker to keep you informed
  • Comprehensive Tracking System to monitor every aspect
  • Site Configuration System for easy setup
  • Multilingual system
  • Advanced Permission System for fine-grained control
  • Ready-to-use Plugins System for easy expansion
  • Dark Mode
  • RTL Support

Setup Instructions

To get started with SpladePanel, follow these steps:

  1. Install the required dependencies using Composer:

    composer install
  2. Copy the .env.example file to .env:

    cp .env.example .env
  3. Generate a security key and link the storage file:

    php artisan key:generate
    php artisan storage:link
  4. Configure your database connection by updating the .env file.

  5. Run database migrations and seed initial data:

    php artisan migrate:fresh
    php artisan db:seed
  6. Start server:

    php artisan serve


Access the login page:

Learn More

For further information and to explore the possibilities of Laravel Splade, visit the official website: https://splade.dev/

Take your dashboard creation experience to the next level with SpladePanel. Embrace the simplicity, speed, and beauty that it offers.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "SpladePanel" Project. README Source: abdelmjid-saber/SpladePanel
Open Issues
Last Commit
10 months ago

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