Stroke Input Android Versions Save

Android Chinese keyboard: Stroke Input Method (筆畫輸入法)


1 month ago
  • Updated stroke input data to Conway Stroke Data v1.32.0
    • Adds phrases 吖嘛, 拗撬, 詏撬, 揞口費, 幫襯, 搽𢰸, 鏨刺
    • Adds phrases 鐺底, 𥋇眼, 插贓嫁禍, 尋日, 黐鐺, 黐脷根
    • Adds phrases 長氣, 打冷震, 花紙, 家姐, 咁嚌, 腳趾尾, 乞人憎
    • Adds phrases 後尾, 後尾枕, 揦鮓, 垃雜, 老抽, 門棖, 生抽, 話齋
    • Adds phrases 矺住, 矺扁, 矺死, 㜺鬼, 爭在, 扎扎跳, 砧板, 枕住
    • Adds phrases 𠹻味, 𠹻𡃴, 陣間, 執笠, 執碼, 執生, 周時
    • Adds phrases 手㬹, 腳㬹, 鞋㬹
    • Adds phrase 輪候
  • Upgraded Material Components For Android to 1.12.0


4 months ago
  • Fixed enter key to search not working in Google Play Store / crashing Aurora Store


7 months ago
  • Updated stroke input data to Conway Stroke Data v1.31.0
    • Fixes incorrect stroke sequence for U+6D77 海
    • Adds phrases 牛肉丸, 牛肉球, 寄艙, 過海
  • Upgraded Android SDK to Level 34
  • Upgraded Android Gradle Plugin to 8.1.4
  • Upgraded Material Components For Android to 1.10.0
  • Fixed DisplayMetrics.scaledDensity deprecated in API level 34
  • Fixed Java "nullability problems" (using @NonNull)
  • Fixed Java "nullability and data flow problems" (using Objects.requireNonNull)


7 months ago
  • Update stroke input data to Conway Stroke Data v1.30.0 (adds phrases 㨆莊, 過莊, 紅頭十, 伶冧六, 大頭六, 六公, 覺意, 唔覺意, 冧咗, 揩花)
  • Improved About Chinese lead sentence wording


8 months ago


8 months ago


9 months ago


1 year ago


1 year ago


  • Stopped ordinary keys (digits and punctuation) committing first candidate. Now only space bar, enter, and the candidate buttons themselves will commit a candidate
  • Increased candidates bar height by 5%
  • Increased gutter height under candidates bar from 1px to 4dp
  • Made candidate button text/background colours swap on press


  • Fixed gradle vs wrapper version mismatch
  • Fixed missing gradle distributionSha256Sum
  • Upgraded Material Components For Android to v1.9.0


1 year ago
  • Fixed missing monochrome icon (for Android 13 themed icons)
  • Clarified Back Gesture vs 3-Button Navigation and Back Button in Help
  • Changed to non-breaking space in height multiplier display
  • Moved package from Android manifest to build files
  • Upgraded GitHub Actions to Node.js 16