Stroke Input Android Versions Save

Android Chinese keyboard: Stroke Input Method (筆畫輸入法)


1 year ago


  • Added keyboard height adjustment option
  • Updated stroke input data to Conway Stroke Data v1.25.0 (adds phrases 即管, 細個, 嗰陣, 嗰陣時, 舊陣時, 侷限)
  • Improved Welcome screen layout
    • Applied max width 488dp so that input box isn't overwide in landscape mode
    • Increased spacing between numbered items
  • Improved wording of Step 1 (replace 'first time' with 'newly')
  • Moved 'Source Code' button to second last
  • Added external link icon to 'Source Code' and 'Privacy Policy' buttons (to make it obvious that they will spawn a browser)


  • Upgraded targetSdkVersion to 33
  • Upgraded Android Gradle Plugin to 7.4.2
  • Upgraded Material Components For Android to v1.8.0
  • Split launcher icon paths to fix 'long vector path' warning


1 year ago
  • Update stroke input data to Conway Stroke Data v1.24.0 (adds phrases 圍裙, 攞位, 揀位, 揀選, 夠鐘, 夠瞓, 唔夠)
  • Suppressed dataExtractionRules API 31+ warning


1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago
  • Updated stroke input data to Conway Stroke Data v1.20.0
    • Adds characters 𡀔𡅅 (Jyutping-recommended particles)
    • Adds characters 𠮿𠯆𠯢𠯫𠯻𠯿𠰍𠰠𠰴𠰺𠰻𠱼𠲍𠲖𠲵𠲸𠳓𠳔𠳝𠳭𠳿𠴨𠴱𠴲𠵅𠵆𠵌𠵎𠵘𠵱𠵴𠶖𠷈𠸄𠸍𠸖𠸝𠹤𠹵𠹶𠹹𠺕𠺖𠼝𠼦𠼻𠽟𠾐𠾶𡂴𡂿𡃏
    • Adds phrase 指擬
  • Updated androidx.test.ext:junit to v1.1.5
  • Updated androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core to v3.5.1


1 year ago


1 year ago
  • Updated stroke input data to Conway Stroke Data v1.18.0
    • Adds phrase 器重
    • Adds phrase 鬥木
    • Adds phrase 軟熟
  • Updated androidx.test.ext:junit to v1.1.4
  • Updated androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core to v3.5.0


1 year ago
  • Updated stroke input data to Conway Stroke Data v1.17.0
    • Adds phrases 大佬, 大堂, 大會, 大禍, 大蒜, 大難
    • Adds phrases 乾透, 俐落
    • Adds phrases 凡塵, 凡間
    • Adds phrase 幹道
  • Upgraded Material Components For Android to v1.7.0


1 year ago
  • Updated stroke input data to Conway Stroke Data v1.16.0
    • Adds phrases 喊露, 打喊露
    • Adds phrases 七七八八, 七彩
    • Adds phrases 九十後, 九重
    • Adds phrase 了結
    • Adds phrases 二進制, 十進制, 進制
    • Adds phrases 人事部, 人名, 人均
    • Adds phrase 兒科
    • Adds phrases 入伙, 入住, 入味, etc.
    • Adds phrases 刁蠻, 力度, 叉腰
    • Adds phrase 幾點


1 year ago
  • Updated stroke input data to Conway Stroke Data v1.15.0 (adds phrases 保重, 英皇壽辰)
  • Updated Android Gradle Plugin to 7.2.2

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