Struct Versions Save

Xcode projects on steroids


4 years ago
  • Fixed parsing bugs with the latest spec version


4 years ago
  • Struct 4.0 is here! There's a few breaking changes in this release to allow Struct to move forward with the latest improvements in Xcode, Swift and Ruby.
  • Xcode 11 and Swift 5 support has landed! The default Swift version is now 5.2.
  • All of the default deployment targets now target the latest releases of each supported platform.
  • Ruby 2.6.3 is now the minimum version of Ruby for Struct, following the existing strategy of supporting the latest macOS's pre-installed version of Ruby. As such, if you currently use the system Ruby in El Capitan, please either upgrade to Catalina, or use RVM to maintain your current Ruby version.
  • Added support for native watchOS applications
  • Removed support for 1.X.X spec files. Check out the migration guide on the wiki to move to a newer spec format.
  • Fixed bugs with CocoaPods integration


5 years ago
  • Fixed a bug that prevented unit tests in subprojects from being run (thanks to raptorxcz for the PR!)


5 years ago

Added support for App Extensions (thanks to @raptorxcz for the PR!)


6 years ago

Fixed a bug which prevented plist files ending in 'Info.plist' from being included in projects


6 years ago
  • Fixed a bug which caused incorrect generation of projects inside dot-folders


6 years ago
  • Fixed a bug which would cause launch actions in a scheme to not be generated when an archive action is not also defined in that scheme
  • Fixed nil dereference issues with configuration blocks
  • Added support for .c, .cpp and .cxx source files (thanks @steveholt55!)


6 years ago
  • Struct 3.0 is here! There's a few breaking changes in this release to allow Struct to move forward with the latest improvements in Xcode, Swift and Ruby.
  • Xcode 9 and Swift 4.0 support has landed! The default Swift version is now 4.0, and Struct now includes additional project settings introduced in Xcode 9. All of the default deployment targets now target the latest releases of each supported platform. Xcode 8 is unsupported as of Struct 3.0.0, however critical bug fixes will be released for Struct 2 until the next major Xcode release.
  • Ruby 2.2.0 is now the minimum version of Ruby for Struct, following the existing strategy of supporting the latest macOS's pre-installed version of Ruby. As such, if you currently use the system Ruby in Sierra, please either upgrade to High Sierra, or use RVM to maintain your current Ruby version.


7 years ago
  • Added support for overriding target names with the PRODUCT_NAME build setting


7 years ago
  • Spec 2.2.0 is here! Support for linking and embedding framework targets to an application target within the same project has been added. Also, inputs and outputs can now be specified for target scripts, and the analyze phase in a scheme can now be defined.
  • tvOS is now supported
  • Shared source files between targets are now supported
  • An issue where the product file extension was not correctly defined for certain product types has been fixed