Sweetalert Versions Save

A beautiful replacement for JavaScript's "alert"


6 years ago

Fixes some bugs in Internet Explorer 11. Thanks for the help @lionralfs!


6 years ago
  • Styling now gets injected at the top of the <head> instead of the bottom, so that the user can easily overwrite the CSS.
  • Make text in content visible by settings font-size: initial


6 years ago

Mostly for Safari users:

  • Fixes untappable buttons on mobile
  • Fixes visual bug with overflowing text


6 years ago

A major new release of SweetAlert is finally out, with many new features and improvements, including:

  • Promise-based API
  • Ability to add more than 2 buttons!
  • Ability to create customised modals through the content option

Make sure you read the upgrade guide and check out the new website to learn about all the new features!


8 years ago


  • Merged #440 for Webpack and Browserify support (thanks @chentsulin!)


8 years ago


  • Show a loader on the confirm-button with showLoaderOnConfirm: true (handy for AJAX requests that can take some time to validate).
  • Some simple QUnit tests will now run automatically when running gulp. This should make it easier for us not to break anything in upcoming releases (I've only added the most basic ones, pull requests for more tests are very welcome!)


9 years ago

Here we go! We've finally reached 1.0.0! This release mostly fixes the bugs from 1.0.0-beta.


  • Bug fix: Require.js support should work again! Thanks @jeremylevy!
  • Allow a default input value with inputValue: "My text"
  • When using the timer, you can now specify callbacks which will execute when the timer is done, just like you do when clicking the Done-button!


9 years ago

The goal of this release is to set things right and move to a more maintainable project structure so that new features can be pushed out easily. It will stay in beta for about a week, and during the time we welcome feedback and small bug fixes. Shortly after that, the final v1.0.0 will be released.


  • Themes! You can now experiment with new looks for your SweetAlert. The project comes with three themes that you can try out: Facebook, Twitter and Google (in the themes-folder).
  • ES6 syntax! The project is now much more maintainable as the main JS-file has been split up into several es6-modules instead. The main file is dev/sweetalert.es6.js, which should be edited while Gulp is running in order to compile it with Babel.
  • BREAKING CHANGE the files that you need to reference in order to use SweetAlert in your project have been relocated an renamed. They are dist/sweetalert.min.js and dist/sweetalert.css.
  • GitHub page. This will make the project page stay in sync with the latest version.
  • inputPlaceholder when using type: input
  • IE8 support has been dropped. Some might be disappointed by this, but in order to move the project forward, we can't stick with these ancient browsers. If IE8 users are your primary customers, you probably don't need SweetAlert anyway, use a good ol' alert.
  • Bug fixes: allowOutsideClick: false works again


9 years ago


  • Prompt feature (finally)! You can now pass in type: "input" to get a sweet looking prompt from SweetAlert! Check out the docs and examples to learn more about how to configure and validate the input field.
  • Two new animations: "slide-from-top" and "slide-from-bottom", which can be set through the animation param.
  • Clicking outside the modal now calls the callback function (if it exists), just like when you click the Cancel-button.
  • Possibility to disable confirm button color style manipulation by padding confirmButtonColor: false
  • Page scrolling is now deactivated when the input is shown.
  • Added a link to the SweetAlert tutorial on Ludu
  • Other smaller bug fixes