SwiftyJSON Versions Save

The better way to deal with JSON data in Swift.


3 months ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog: https://github.com/SwiftyJSON/SwiftyJSON/compare/5.0.1...5.0.2


5 years ago

Nothing breaking new API changed. Just cleaning up some warnings in Xcode 10.2.

Compatible with Swift 5 and Xcode 10.2.


5 years ago

SwiftyJSON 4.2.0 requires Swift 4.2 compiler and Xcode 10 to build.

The minimum requirement of watchOS bumps to watchOS 3.0+.

This version removed all deprecated APIs. If you are still using outdated APIs, you should ship with the latest ones.


6 years ago


  • Codable protocol support #923 (Thanks @wleii)
  • Xcode 9.3 support #951 (Thanks @wongzigii)
  • Improve string test for boolean value #947 (Thanks @otaviolima)
  • Update Travis CI to Xcode 9.3 image #954 (Thanks @wongzigii)


  • README improvements #953, #952, #929 and #504 (Thanks @wongzigii, @tomduncalf and @bojanstef)


6 years ago

This is the official release of SwiftyJSON 4.0.0

This version is Swift 4 compatible.

We've improved the documentation since 4.0.0-alpha.1.


6 years ago

This is a pre-release version of SwiftyJSON 4.0.0.


  • (1c5e902 @MikotoZero) Simplify initialize methods invocation.
  • (a76d81d @craiggrummitt) Fix "double t" spelling mistake, writtingOptionsKeys now is writingOptionsKeys.
  • (f9afe96 @wongzigii) SwiftyJSON now use throws for error handling init(data, options opt, error) now is init(data, options opt) throws.
  • (083c6d7 @wongzigii) Use Swift.Error type instead of NSError, now JSON's error is SwiftyJSONError type.


  • (619fba2 @wongzigii) SwiftLint compatible.
  • (1d64b89 @wongzigii) Add GitHub issue and pull request template.
  • (d932f64 @matthew-an) Fix a potential crash issue by checking whether index is out of json array’s bound.
  • (e4b2644 @JeffGuKang @Humoud) Documentation improvement and source code gardening.
  • (#887 @Taillook, @hitendradeveloper, @Harshit31) Add "yes" and "1" to string.boolValue array

Thank @JackSteven, @mictab, @neoneye, @Tawfikk and others who helped review the pull requests and contribute to the documentations. 🎉 🎉


7 years ago

This release includes new features and shouldn’t break backwards compatibility with SwiftyJSON 3.1.3.


  • Check for pre-escaped URLs to prevent double-escaping of % character. (#678 Thanks @dawvee)
  • Fix an unexpected behavior when passing Int8 type number into JSON. (#717 Thanks @SumoSimo)
  • Resolve a warning about expression implicitly coerced from 'String?' to Any in Swift 3.0.1. (#729 Thanks @ldiqual)
  • Swift 3.0.2 / Xcode 8.2 compatible. (#764 Thanks @lbrndnr)

New Features:

  • Add a flag castNilToNSNull to json rawString for converting nil to NSNull. (#610 Thanks @gsabran)
  • Add a function to deep merge a JSON object into another JSON object. See Merging (#725 Thanks @danielkiedrowski)
  • JSON constructors are more explicit now: init(object: Any) becomes: init(_ object: Any). (#664 Thanks @MadsBogeskov)

Documentation improvement:

(Thanks all: @cwkatzmann, @victorlin, @looseyi, @takasek and @naeemshaikh90)


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago