SynapseSL Synapse Versions Save

An SCP:SL Modloader. Designed from Scratch with Harmony


1 year ago


Fixed a lot of bugs as well as updated Neuron to the newest Version. Furthermore, added more small additions to the API


Simply follow the installation steps found inside the file or on our Doc page here


1 year ago

Beta 1.1

A lot of bugs reported on our discord were fixed


Download the file and follow the instructions inside that Zip file.


The last months I worked on checking every single Patch for outdated code and bugs and I hope there aren't any major Bugs in this Release, however if you find some please report them on our discord so that we can fix them as soon as possible.


1 year ago

Synapse 3 Beta Release

Synapse3 is after a long wait now finally ready to be published as a Beta. With a new Major Release comes quite a lot of changes: The Biggest change is that Synapse itself is no longer a Plugin Manager, but rather a module of our Modding Framework Neuron instead, which will improve compatibility between different plugins massively.

I'm still working on the new docs for Synapse 3 and I hope they will be ready to be released soon as well.


Download the file and follow the instructions inside that Zip file.


The last months I worked on checking every single Patch for outdated code and bugs and I hope there aren't any major Bugs in this Release, however if you find some please report them on our discord so that we can fix them as soon as possible.


2 years ago


* fixed Destroy method of SynapseObject Doors
* fixed Destroy method of SynapseObject Generators
* fixed Destroy method of SynapseObject Locker
* fixed Destroy method of SynapseObject Ragdoll
* fixed Destroy method of SynapseObject Workstation
* fixed Map.SpawnGrenade: player will be set to Host now when it's null
* fixed Player.ChangeRoleAtPosition
* fixed PlayerItemUseEvent Consumables
* fixed SCP-049-2 Spawn bug


In the you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server. Important: If you want to install Synapse we need you to modify your permissions. Please check the wiki so you may not get confused.

In the you can generate your own Assembly-CSharp files and a publicized file, for development purposes

The KeyPressInjector.exe is a small windows application for Installing the Synapse key bind system with only one click


2 years ago


+ CustomObjects CustomAttribute System
  + MapTeleporter
  + StaticTeleporter
  + SchematicDoor
+ IRefreshable for SynapseObjects
+ NetworkSynapseObject
+ StructureSyncSynapseObject
+ SynapseCustomObject
+ SynapseDoorObject.SpawnableDoorType
+ SynapseDummyObject
+ SynapseGeneratorObject
+ SynapseItemObject now also supports Durabillity and Attachments
+ SynapseLockerObject
+ SynapseragdollObject
+ New Enums
  + MenuType
  + MessageType
  + ShootSound
+ WarheadInsidePanelInteractEvent
+ WarheadStartDetonationEvent
+ PlayerWalkOnTantrumEvent
+ PlayerRadioInteractEvent
+ PlayerFlipCoinEvent
+ PlaceBulletHoleEvent
+ Scp049Events
+ Scp049ReviveEvent
+ Scp173PlaceTantrum
+ ItemManager.GetSchematic
+ ItemManager.SetSchematicForVanillaItem
+ SynapseItem.GetSynapseItem
+ SynapseItem.Schematic
+ SynapseItem.SynapseObject
+ LockerChamber.SpawnItem
+ Reworked Logger => Can now also stores Logs in a file
+ Map.SpawnOldGrenade
+ Map.SpawnTantrum
+ Player.OpenMenu
+ Player.GetStatBase
+ implicit operators for player/Referencehub/Footprint
+ added plugin contextprocessor for SynapseObject Attributes
+ Rooms of 106,939,330 can now be changed in size rotation and position
+ Turret
+ SynapseExtensions.GetSpawnMessage
+ SynapseExtensions.DespawnForOnePlayer
+ SynapseExtensions.DespawnForAllPlayers

* fixed FF between CUstom Roles
* fixed PlayerSetClass Event Items Property
* workstation vanilla object is now public in Synapse Workstation
* fixed HealEvent
* fixed Player.Heal
* fixed Player.ChangeRoleAtPosition
* fixed ThrowableAPI.FuseTime
* fixed ItemManager.HighestItem
* fixed Effect Enum
* SynapseObject.CustomAttributes is now a list
* fixed SynapseObject.ObjectData
* Renamed KeyPressInjector & SynapseInjector
* fixed SynapseInjector publicize event fields

- Nuke.LeverStatus
- SYML Debug Message


In the you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server. Important: If you want to install Synapse we need you to modify your permissions. Please check the wiki so you may not get confused.

In the you can generate your own Assembly-CSharp files and a publicized file, for development purposes

The KeyPressInjector.exe is a small windows application for Installing the Synapse key bind system with only one click


2 years ago


+ Synapse.API.CustomObjects
+ Locker, LockerChamber, LockerType, LockerInteractEvent
+ Door. Position Rotation & Scale getter/setter added
+ WorkStation. Position Rotation & Scale getter/setter added
+ SynapseObject Events
+ LiftMoveObjectsEventArgs
+ SynapseItem.CanBePickedUp
+ Map.Lockers
+ Map.SynapseObjects
+ Player.AttachSynapseObject
+ SynapseSchematicCommand
+ SerializedColor
+ Server.AllowedColors
+ SymapseExtensions.UpdatePositionRotationScale()

* fixed FriendlyFire logic
* fixed PocketDimension Patches
* Reworked SetPlayersClass
* fixed Player.DeathPosition
* improved SynapseHelpCommand
* fixed Player.SendToServer
* fixed Player.Heal()
* fixed ItemManager Highest Item bug
* fixed Jail
* fixed Server.FF
* DoorType now supports 330
* (finally updated Harmony)
* fixed Player.ArtificialHealth

- Server.Prefab


In the you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server. Important: If you want to install Synapse we need you to modify your permissions. Please check the wiki so you may not get confused.

In the you can generate your own Assembly-CSharp files and a publicized file, for development purposes

The KeyPressInjector.exe is a small windows application for Installing the Synapse key bind system with only one click


2 years ago


+ Events.Map.WarheadDetonationCanceled (yes, we're adjusting that to the naming convention soon)

* 049-2 Max Health has been adjusted to 300 instead of 100
* Blue and Rainbow candies have been fixed
* We're no longer spawning a second ragdoll - should help client performance


In the you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server. Important: If you want to install Synapse we need you to modify your permissions. Please check the wiki so you may not get confused.

In the you can generate your own Assembly-CSharp files and a publicized file, for development purposes

The KeyPressInjector.exe is a small windows application for Installing the Synapse key bind system with only one click


2 years ago


+ Player.MaxHealth setter
+ Player.MaxAHP setter
+ DamageType Enum

* small changes in Player.Hurt() and Player.Kill() method
* small changes in Death & Damage events
* fixed Commands not loading when Aliases are null


In the you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server. Important: If you want to install Synapse we need you to modify your permissions. Please check the wiki so you may not get confused.

In the you can generate your own Assembly-CSharp files and a publicized file, for development purposes

The KeyPressInjector.exe is a small windows application for Installing the Synapse key bind system with only one click


2 years ago


+ updated most things to new game version
+ fixed the empty radio bug
+ fixed the lost items after escape bug
+ fixed the SCP-079 perma-room-lock bug
+ fixed the player stuck in pocket bug
+ Mappoint constructor with x y z as floats

* SynapseItem.Durabillity will now stored when set and the Item is despawned
* fixed Inventory.DropAllItems() bug
* fixed Dummy bugs
* fixed Player.set_AmmoBox[]

- plugin spawned ragdolls currently wont work
- maxhp and maxahp can not be set to a value anymore
- the damager is new, plugins which deal with it will not be compatible anymore (mostly)


In the you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server. Important: If you want to install Synapse we need you to modify your permissions. Please check the wiki so you may not get confused.

In the you can generate your own Assembly-CSharp files and a publicized file, for development purposes

The KeyPressInjector.exe is a small windows application for Installing the Synapse key bind system with only one click


2 years ago


This Version was for the Halloween Build please use Synapse 2.7.1 instead. I will release a working Synapse 2.7.3 soon!


+ Mappoint constructor with x y z as floats

* SynapseItem.Durabillity will now stored when set and the Item is despawned
* fixed Inventory.DropAllItems() bug
* fixed all(?) Dummy bugs
* fixed Player.set_AmmoBox[]
* fixed Player.Room


In the you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server. Important: If you want to install Synapse we need you to modify your permissions. Please check the wiki so you may not get confused.

In the you can generate your own Assembly-CSharp files and a publicized file, for development purposes

The KeyPressInjector.exe is a small windows application for Installing the Synapse key bind system with only one click