Synology App Mover Save

Easily move Synology packages from 1 volume to another volume

Project README

Synology app mover

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Easily move Synology packages from one volume to another volume

You just select the package and the destination volume and the script will stop the app, move it, update the symlinks then start the app.

Handy for moving packages to an SSD volume, or to another volume so you can delete the original volume.

NEW Now includes Backup and Restore modes.

  • Supports DSM 7. Not fully tested with DSM 6.

Packages confirmed working

NOTE: Just in case, you should backup your docker compose files of portainer stacks.

Click here to see list
Package Center Name Name shown in script Result
Active Backup for Business ActiveBackup OK
Active Backup for Google Workspace ActiveBackup-GSuite OK
Active Backup for Microsoft 365 ActiveBackup-Office365 OK
Advanced Media Extensions CodecPack OK
AntiVirus by McAfee AntiVirus-McAfee OK
AntiVirus Essential AntiVirus OK
Apache 2.4 Apache2.4 OK
Audio Station AudioStation OK
Bitdefender for MailPlus BitDefenderForMailPlus OK I think
C2 Identity LDAP Server C2IdentityLDAPAgent OK
Central Management System CMS OK
Cloud Sync CloudSync OK
Container Manager ContainerManager OK
DNS Server DNSServer OK
Docker Docker OK
Document Viewer DocumentViewer OK
Download Station DownloadStation OK
Emby Server EmbyServer OK
exFAT Access exFAT-Free OK
git git OK
Git Git OK
Glacier Backup GlacierBackup OK - need a Glacier account to fully test
Hyper Backup HyperBackup OK
Hyper Backup Vault HyperBackupVault OK
LDAP Server DirectoryServer OK
LogAnalysis LogAnalysis OK
Log Center Log Center OK
Mail Station MailStation OK
MariaDB 10 MariaDB10 OK
Media Server MediaServer OK
MediaInfo mediainfo OK
MinimServer MinimServer OK
phpMyAdmin phpMyAdmin OK
Node.js v14 Node.js_v14 OK
Node.js v16 Node.js_v16 OK
Node.js v18 Node.js_v18 OK
Node.js v20 Node.js_v20 OK
Note Station NoteStation OK
PDF Viewer PDFViewer OK
Perl Perl OK
PHP 7.3 PHP7.3 OK
PHP 7.4 PHP7.4 OK
PHP 8.0 PHP8.0 OK
PHP 8.1 PHP8.1 OK
PHP 8.2 PHP8.2 OK
Plex Media Server PlexMediaServer OK
Presto File Server PrestoServer OK
Proxy Server ProxyServer OK
Python 3.9 Python3.9 OK
Radius Server RadiusServer OK
SMI-S Provider SynoSmisProvider OK
Snapshot Replication SnapshotReplication OK
SSO Server SSOServer OK
Storage Analyzer StorageAnalyzer OK
Surveillance Station SurveillanceStation OK
SynoCli Tools synocli-"toolname" OK
Synology Application Service SynologyApplicationService OK
Synology Calendar Calendar OK
Synology Chat Server Chat OK
Synology Contacts Contacts OK
Synology Directory Server DirectoryServerForWindowsDomain OK
Synology Drive Server SynologyDrive OK
Synology Mail Server MailServer OK
Synology MailPlus MailPlus OK
Synology MailPlus Server MailPlus-Server OK I think
Synology Office Spreadsheet OK
Synology Photos SynologyPhotos OK
Tailscale Tailscale OK
Text Editor TextEditor OK
Universal Viewer UniversalViewer OK
Video Station VideoStation OK
Virtual Machine Manager Virtualization OK
VPN Server VPNCenter OK
Web Station WebStation OK
WebDAV Server WebDAVServer OK

Packages not tested

Click here to see list
Package Result
Archiware P5
BRAVIA Signage Won't install in Container Manager. It checks if Docker is installed
Data Deposit Box
Domotz Network Monitoring
NAKIVO Backup and Replication
NAKIVO Transporter
Ragic Cloud DB
Resilo Sync

Download the script

  1. Download the latest version Source code (zip) from
  2. Save the download zip file to a folder on the Synology.
  3. Unzip the zip file.

Set backup location

If you want to use use the backup and restore options you need edit the included syno_app_mover.conf file to set the location to backup to.

The syno_app_mover.conf file must be in the same foller as the file.

Other options in syno_app_mover.conf

# buffer is used when checking if target volume has enough space
# Add 50 GB buffer so we don't fill the target volume


# backuppath should be in the format of /volume/sharename/folder
# For example:
# backuppath="/volume1/backups"
# Note: The script will create a syno_app_mover folder in backuppath


# Skip backup if previous backup was done less than x minutes ago
# Set to "0" to always backup
# skip_minutes is in minutes


To run the script

How to enable SSH and login to DSM via SSH

sudo -s /volume1/scripts/

Note: Replace /volume1/scripts/ with the path to where the script is located.


If the script won't run check the following:

  1. Make sure you download the zip file and unzipped it to a folder on your Synology (not on your computer).
  2. If the path to the script contains any spaces you need to enclose the path/scriptname in double quotes:
    sudo -s "/volume1/my scripts/"
  3. Make sure you unpacked the zip or rar file that you downloaded and are trying to run the file.
  4. Set the script file as executable:
    sudo chmod +x "/volume1/scripts/"

DSM 7 screenshots

Moving a package (with dependencies)

Moving packages with shared folders

Moving a package that has a volume location setting

Moving Active Backup for Bussiness

Backing up Audio Station


  • wallacebrf for extensive beta testing of syno_app_mover v3.
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Synology App Mover" Project. README Source: 007revad/Synology_app_mover

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