Tacticalrmm Versions Save

A remote monitoring & management tool, built with Django, Vue and Go.


1 year ago

Release Notes

  • Fixed #1345 Powershell script arguments break when custom field contains a single quote
  • Fixed #1367 Delete tasks after expiry date
  • Docker: fixed celery (background tasks) only using 1 worker instead of auto scaling
  • Reworked and optimized some background tasks to better handle instances with high agent counts and fixed some race conditions
  • Started async rework of various functions
  • Various dependency updates

New Contributors


Full Changelog: https://github.com/amidaware/tacticalrmm/compare/v0.15.6...v0.15.7


1 year ago

Release Notes

  • Added #1378 Users may now reset their own password/2fa without requiring any user permissions. A new interface has been added for this (top right of dashboard, click on username > Account)
  • Added shadows to web UI in dark mode
  • Fixed #1369 Editing API key results in 404 error
  • Fixed #1359 Path error when running scripts/commands on MS Exchange servers.
  • Fixed another path issue related to chocolatey not being found
  • Fixed #812 Ping check: A message sent on a datagram socket was larger than the internal message buffer
  • Various dependency updates


Full Changelog: https://github.com/amidaware/tacticalrmm/compare/v0.15.5...v0.15.6


1 year ago

Release notes

  • Fixed #1366 automated tasks not executing

Full Changelog: https://github.com/amidaware/tacticalrmm/compare/v0.15.4...v0.15.5


1 year ago

Release notes

  • Feature: added functionality to pass environment variables to scripts. This is a more secure way than command line args to pass sensitive info to scripts as it's not logged anywhere (for example, powershell logs the command line args in the windows event viewer even if they're not written to disk in your script). See video below for a tutorial on how to use them with various languages/OS. A new input field called "Environment vars" has been added to the web UI in all the places where you could add script args. This accepts a list of env vars in key=value format. Requires agent v2.4.3

  • https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7434746/205523156-49ef521b-e1f8-4d74-a17f-36d72b9a1192.mp4

  • Fixed backup/restore when restore OS is not the same as backup OS

  • Alert failure and resolved script runs are now logged in the Agent History tab

  • Various dependency updates


New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/amidaware/tacticalrmm/compare/v0.15.3...v0.15.4


1 year ago

Release notes

  • Added #1294 Ability to bulk delete using client and site
  • Fixed #1250 Race condition causing windows agent update to sometimes fail
  • Fixed #25 Cleanup agent update temp files
  • Fixed slow dashboard loading when lots of pending actions in db
  • Various dependency updates

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/amidaware/tacticalrmm/compare/v0.15.2...v0.15.3


1 year ago
  • Fixed macOS agent silent mesh install bug
  • UI bug fixes

Full Changelog: https://github.com/amidaware/tacticalrmm/compare/v0.15.1...v0.15.2


1 year ago

Release notes

  • Fixed #1293 Agent assigned Automation Policy - patch policy not used
  • Fixed #1298 Issues with improper escaping of certain characters in script snippets
  • Fixed #1210 Daphne websocket service sometimes failing to start
  • Fixed #1307 Harden cert file permissions
  • Fixed #1317 Quit early during install if error
  • Fixed #1314 URL color for the Microsoft Update KB link when in dark mode is very hard to read
  • Improved linux install script for better OS detection
  • Added optional setting to enable NATS monitoring
  • Various reworks and code optimizations
  • Updated to Python 3.10.8
  • Updated various dependencies


New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/amidaware/tacticalrmm/compare/v0.15.0...v0.15.1


1 year ago
  • Initial release of the macOS agent (beta, same functionality as the linux agent)
  • Fixed #1283 Bug with Block Policy Inhiretance from Agent
  • Windows agent no longer sets AV exclusions during install

Full Changelog: https://github.com/amidaware/tacticalrmm/compare/v0.14.8...v0.15.0


1 year ago
  • Fixed a bug where enabling maintenance mode and assigning a policy via the agent's context menu wasn't working.
  • Fixed #1270 logic error in windows updates installation function causing some agents to skip installing pending updates. Thank you @af7567 for finding the bug and submitting the PR with the fix.
  • Updated agent to allow for setting custom environment variables in the process of commands and scripts (this will be exposed in the Web UI/API in a future release).
  • Updated nats-server to v2.9.0
  • Updated MeshCentral to 1.0.85
  • Updated various dependencies

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/amidaware/tacticalrmm/compare/v0.14.7...v0.14.8


1 year ago
  • Added #652 The following data from the 'Summary' tab is now filtered in the Search field of the agent table: version, OS string, public IP, cpu model, graphics card, local ips, make/model and disk info.
  • Added #1246 Added a Copy to Clipboard button for every entry under the 'Assets' tab
  • Fixed #1177 All checks for a client disappear
  • Fixed #1145 Limited User can See "Policy Overview" from all Clients/Sites
  • Fixed #1171 Policies marked as linux applying to windows when they're checks
  • Fixed #1191 Global automation polices aren't applied to Linux agents
  • Updated to Python 3.10.6
  • Updated MeshCentral to 1.0.72

Full Changelog: https://github.com/amidaware/tacticalrmm/compare/v0.14.6...v0.14.7