Tailwind CSS Versions Save

A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.


4 weeks ago


  • Make it possible to use multiple <alpha-value> placeholders in a single color definition (#13740)
  • Don't prefix classes in arbitrary values of has-*, group-has-*, and peer-has-* variants (#13770)
  • Support negative values for {col,row}-{start,end} utilities (#13781)
  • Update embedded browserslist database (#13792)


3 months ago


  • Revert changes to glob handling (#13384)


3 months ago


  • Fix issue where JIT engine would generate the wrong CSS when using PostCSS 7 (#4078)


3 months ago


  • Ensure max specificity of 0,0,1 for button and input Preflight rules (#12735)
  • Improve glob handling for folders with (, ), [ or ] in the file path (#12715)
  • Split :has rules when using experimental.optimizeUniversalDefaults (#12736)
  • Sort arbitrary properties alphabetically across multiple class lists (#12911)
  • Add mix-blend-plus-darker utility (#12923)
  • Ensure dashes are allowed in variant modifiers (#13303)
  • Fix crash showing completions in Intellisense when using a custom separator (#13306)
  • Transpile import.meta.url in config files (#13322)
  • Reset letter spacing for form elements (#13150)
  • Fix missing xx-large and remove double x-large absolute size (#13324)
  • Don't error when encountering nested CSS unless trying to @apply a class that uses nesting (#13325)
  • Ensure that arbitrary properties respect important configuration (#13353)
  • Change dark mode selector so @apply works correctly with pseudo elements (#13379)


5 months ago


  • Don't remove keyframe stops when using important utilities (#12639)
  • Don't add spaces to gradients and grid track names when followed by calc() (#12704)
  • Restore old behavior for class dark mode strategy (#12717)


  • Add new selector and variant strategies for dark mode (#12717)


  • Support rtl and ltr variants on same element as dir attribute (#12717)


6 months ago

Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS v3.4 has arrived! Check out the announcement post for a guided tour through all of the highlights.


  • Add svh, lvh, and dvh values to default height/min-height/max-height theme (#11317)
  • Add has-* variants for :has(...) pseudo-class (#11318)
  • Add text-wrap utilities including text-balance and text-pretty (#11320, #12031)
  • Extend default opacity scale to include all steps of 5 (#11832)
  • Update Preflight html styles to include shadow DOM :host pseudo-class (#11200)
  • Increase default values for grid-rows-* utilities from 1–6 to 1–12 (#12180)
  • Add size-* utilities (#12287)
  • Add utilities for CSS subgrid (#12298)
  • Add spacing scale to min-w-*, min-h-*, and max-w-* utilities (#12300)
  • Add forced-color-adjust utilities (#11931)
  • Add forced-colors variant (#11694, #12582)
  • Add appearance-auto utility (#12404)
  • Add logical property values for float and clear utilities (#12480)
  • Add * variant for targeting direct children (#12551)


  • Simplify the sans font-family stack (#11748)
  • Disable the tap highlight overlay on iOS (#12299)
  • Improve relative precedence of rtl, ltr, forced-colors, and dark variants (#12584)


6 months ago


  • Fix support for container query utilities with arbitrary values (#12534)
  • Fix custom config loading in Standalone CLI (#12616)


6 months ago


  • Don’t add spaces to negative numbers following a comma (#12324)
  • Don't emit @config in CSS when watching via the CLI (#12327)
  • Improve types for resolveConfig (#12272)
  • Ensure configured font-feature-settings for mono are included in Preflight (#12342)
  • Improve candidate detection in minified JS arrays (without spaces) (#12396)
  • Don't crash when given applying a variant to a negated version of a simple utility (#12514)
  • Fix support for slashes in arbitrary modifiers (#12515)
  • Fix source maps of variant utilities that come from an @layer rule (#12508)
  • Fix loading of built-in plugins when using an ESM or TypeScript config with the Standalone CLI (#12506)


8 months ago


  • Fix incorrect spaces around - in calc() expression (#12283)


8 months ago


  • Improve normalisation of calc()-like functions (#11686)
  • Skip calc() normalisation in nested theme() calls (#11705)
  • Fix incorrectly generated CSS when using square brackets inside arbitrary properties (#11709)
  • Make content optional for presets in TypeScript types (#11730)
  • Handle variable colors that have variable fallback values (#12049)
  • Batch reading content files to prevent too many open files error (#12079)
  • Skip over classes inside :not(…) when nested in an at-rule (#12105)
  • Update types to work with Node16 module resolution (#12097)
  • Don’t crash when important and parent selectors are equal in @apply (#12112)
  • Eliminate irrelevant rules when applying variants (#12113)
  • Improve RegEx parser, reduce possibilities as the key for arbitrary properties (#12121)
  • Fix sorting of utilities that share multiple candidates (#12173)
  • Ensure variants with arbitrary values and a modifier are correctly matched in the RegEx based parser (#12179)
  • Fix crash when watching renamed files on FreeBSD (#12193)
  • Allow plugins from a parent document to be used in an iframe (#12208)
  • Add types for tailwindcss/nesting (#12269)
  • Bump jiti, fast-glob, and browserlist dependencies (#11550)
  • Improve automatic var injection for properties that accept a <dashed-ident> (#12236)