Tars Versions Save

Tars is a high-performance RPC framework based on name service and Tars protocol, also integrated administration platform, and implemented hosting-service via flexible schedule.


4 years ago


  • udp in ipv6 bug
  • add tars.resource
  • fix rsp queue
  • add max buffer limit, send queue, data accumulate clear
  • Adjust cmake third library path
  • tc_network_buffer add iterator
  • optimize tc_http tc_http_async, improve http parser performance
  • fix tars2node, support --with-tars
  • remove rapidjson depends
  • fix tarsAdminRegistry bug
  • querystat & query property protocol change to tars
  • tarsnode timing update template configuration, auto update registry locator
  • Adjust template configuration, DB configuration is centralized to one file


  • 修改udp在ipv6下的bug
  • 服务框架增加tars.resource命令字, 可以查看服务内网络连接细节
  • 修改响应队列上报的bug
  • 增加发送buffer过载保护
  • 调整第三方库安装后的库路径
  • tc_network_buffer增加iterator接口 -优化tc_http tc_http tc_http_async性能, 提升http parser
  • fix tars2node, support --with-tars
  • 修改tarsAdminRegistry bug
  • 删除rapidjson依赖
  • 修改querystat & query property 协议到tars
  • tarsnode定时更tarsnode配置到本地, 当主控切换地址后, tarsnode可以跟随自动变动
  • 调整模板继承方式, 将框架db配置集中到一个模板, 方便管理


4 years ago


  • support linux & windows, tarscpp support mac
  • support ARM
  • Reduce memory copy and improve performance
  • Download compile dependencies automatically
  • Improve compilation mode and rely on MySQL client Lib
  • fix some bug


  • tarscpp支持linux, mac, windows
  • tarscpp支持ARM CPU
  • 减少内存copy, 大幅度提升性能
  • 优化编译逻辑, 自动下载第三方依赖库并编译
  • 改善自动编译模式, mysql依赖改成mysql client lib
  • 修复其他相关bug


4 years ago
  • Adjust directory structure
  • add docs, docker to Tars dir


4 years ago
  • tars-cpp support tars2json
  • protocol: notify.tars 上报增加格式
  • cpp: cgi encode fix
  • framework: patch, adminregistry, node add notify report, show error message in web
  • web: deploy ssl server, support server bind dns
  • web: undeploy check server state
  • web: expand server can bind dns
  • web: fix deploy page
  • web: manage page add refresh
  • web: deploy message, goto manage page
  • web: add tarsnode list
  • web: add tarsnode install online
  • framework: fix deploy script, during deploy , copy tarsnode.tgz to web/dist/static


4 years ago
  • Update tars-web, Support to mount nginx on the front end of tars Web
  • Complete installation documentation


4 years ago
  • Update the installation mode of tar web, and support permission verification by default
  • Create the admin user by default, and change the admin password for the first login
  • Registration not allowed, admin user to create user
  • Add password modification function
  • Add check.sh script to monitor tarsregistry, tarsadminregistry, tarsnode
  • Complete installation documentation


5 years ago
  • 说明

    • tars-c++ IPv6,绑定地址为IPv6的地址格式即可;
    • 新安装tars框架的数据库已经把相应字段扩大,如果是升级框架则需要执行下面命令;
      1. mysql -uroot -proot@appinside db_tars -e "alter table t_config_files modify column host varchar(50) not null default '';"
      2. mysql -uroot -proot@appinside db_tars -e "alter table t_node_info modify column endpoint_ip varchar(50) default '';"
      3. mysql -uroot -proot@appinside db_tars -e "alter table t_task_item modify column node_name varchar(50) default null;"
  • Description

    • tars-c++ supports IPv6 by binding the address to IPv6.
    • The database of the newly installed tars framework has expanded the corresponding fields. If it is an upgrade framework, you need to execute the following command:
      1. mysql -uroot -proot@appinside db_tars -e "alter table t_config_files modify column host varchar(50) not null default '';"
      2. mysql -uroot -proot@appinside db_tars -e "alter table t_node_info modify column endpoint_ip varchar(50) default '';"
      3. mysql -uroot -proot@appinside db_tars -e "alter table t_task_item modify column node_name varchar(50) default null;"


6 years ago
  • 说明

    • tars-c++支持http2;
    • tars-c++支持protobuf协议;
    • tars-php的全面支持与优化;
    • tars-nodejs支持Node.js v10.x特性,优化RPC调用性能,优化编解码库,支持存取更多种格式。
    • tars-java 支持调用链
  • Description

    • tars-c++ supports http2.
    • tars-c++ supports protobuf.
    • tars-php server is full supported.
    • tars-nodejs supports Node.js v10.x, optimize RPC call, encode/decode, supports more formats.
    • tars-java supports tracing


6 years ago
  • 描述

    • tars-java:提供集成spring cloud的能力
    • 修复tarsnotify在某些环境不能重启
  • Description

    • tars-java: Integration with spring cloud.
    • fix tarsnotify restart failed.


6 years ago

1.tars java容器剥离,简化发布包 2.tars java支持Spring框架 3.tars java支持多种负载均衡策略 4.tars java支持染色日志