Tdt Core Versions Save

Transform any dataset into an HTTP API with The DataTank


4 years ago

Version 7.0.1

  • Patch for an XSS vulnerability on a non-existing dataset


7 years ago

Version 7.0.0

  • include tdt/input by default
  • allow indexing through the normal add/edit datasource workflow
  • allow to link datasets to eachother to provide context between datasources
  • allow provenance, keeping track of who added/edited which dataset


8 years ago

Version 6.6 - June Release

  • Added gulp to automate front-end tasks
  • Added facetted search and dynamic loading of datasets on the landing page of TDT
  • Added more fields to the DCAT feed
  • Allow full download of CSV files, cap on-the-fly translation to 10K lines, no cap on the download ofcourse
  • Added supported formats through the api/info endpoint
  • SPARQL now recognises the type of query (construct/select) upon creation/updating and appropriate formatting is applied
  • Updated the Elastic reader with the Elastica library + paging, ES 2.2+ is supported
  • Excel by default takes the first sheet if no sheet is provided


8 years ago
  • Refactor to account for the PSR-4 namespacing of the EasyRdf library
  • KML files need special treatment to be displayed as geographical data since we don't convert XML files anymore by default.
  • If the source is KML, a KML layer will be displayed on the map instead of a geojson conversion, which loses some meta-data such as description meta-data


8 years ago
  • To validate URIs only check through a HEAD request if the URI is legitimate
  • Update on the namespace of contactpoint in the DCAT feed (props to @erikap )


8 years ago


8 years ago

Couple of hotfixes:

  • KML formatted XML will not display on a map is convertible to GeoJSON
  • Fetching JSON over HTTPS is more robust
  • non UTF-8 CSV values are converted to UTF-8


8 years ago
  • Licenses are now seedable through the command line, 2 sets of licenses (including a flemish one) have been created in a separate repository.
  • The DCAT meta-data has been updated in order to match all required fields, some adjustments have been made to make the DCAT output more correct (e.g. add license to a distribution, not a dataset)
  • SEO optimization with embedded JSON-LD in HTML pages
  • MongoDB is now an available datasource
  • The application is now available in dutch, french and english and can be selected in the lower right corner
  • Incorporate tdt/input by default so larger datasets can be loaded into document stores where they can be queried properly, optimizing the user experience of data consumers.
  • Geographical distributions are now advocated in DCAT when the dataset is a geographical one
  • Map properties have been removed, all of the data will now be displayed in the map pop-up
  • Added a contact-point to the meta-data fields
  • XML has been reverted to a more basic support, no more translations to JSON as these were not standardized.
  • Added the possibility to track requests in a generic way, Google Analytics implementation is provided, but can be injected with any service (e.g. Piwik)
  • Fixed a greedy regex bug in SPARQL statements
  • Polished the Map formatter with updated leaflet libraries

For more detailed information, check the milestone issue list.


8 years ago

More eloquent geo support, thanks to @DieterDePaepe.


8 years ago

Optimized the validation and fetching of JSON documents.