Tdt Core Versions Save

Transform any dataset into an HTTP API with The DataTank


8 years ago

Hotfix for the KML formatter, added a small test for when KML source data is published as KML again. In future releases we should check whether the destination format is the same as the source format and return the source file if that's the case.


8 years ago
  • Fixes to shape reader, now using a github versioned one
  • More detailed DCAT testing


9 years ago


  • Casing for installed resource location


9 years ago

Bi-annual release, July 2015 edition.

Most important changes

  • More advanced SPARQL templating
  • Map tiles are now loaded before the data is drawn, which improves the usability of map visualizations of data
  • Added MySQL as a datasource
  • Added GeoJSON as a formatter
  • Fixed a bug in the XML formatter


9 years ago
  • XML fix for objects formatting


9 years ago


10 years ago
  • Better JSON-LD context
  • Better XML formatting
  • More thorough unit-testing
  • Support for HEAD requests
  • More concrete DCAT information
  • Fix for redundant collection URIs
  • Empty column headers in XLS and CSV are now replaced by column_{index}


10 years ago
  • Major refactoring: Run composer dump when updating
  • Several bug fixes (#223, #224, #222, #215, #217)


10 years ago
  • Main features
    • Update to Laravel 4.1: Run composer update, delete local config files and recopy them from the repository
    • Caching on resource level
    • SpectQL allows for sorting
    • JsonLD serialisation for semantic data
    • Small bug fixes, see GitHub issue list for more info


10 years ago
  • Main features
    • Hyphens are allowed in a resource definition
    • Introduced SPECTQL as a query language on datasources
    • Added more proper regex'es for SPARQL templates (FROM statements are now taken in consideration)
    • DCAT feed is now following the specification concerning literals and resources
    • Subcollections are now displayed once, instead of the amount of resources the subcollection had
  • Seeding
    • Licenses and languages are read from a JSON file and pushed into a database
    • Ontology prefixes and corresponding URI's are read from a JSON file and pushed into a database
  • UI
    • Adjusted meta-data properties for the DCAT feed, added drop down lists for languages and rights (licenses)
    • Sparql query is now a textarea instead of a single input text field
  • CLI
    • Provided export and import functionality for users and definitions