Text Vide Save

An Open-Source JavaScript Implementation of Bionic Reading.

Project README

TextVide (vide; Latin for "see")

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Support all languages that separate words with spaces

Try on Runkit or Online Sandbox

This module is an open source implementation that mimics the behavior of the Bionic Reading API.

It does not require any additional licenses, except for MIT. (#38)

💫 Features

Feature State
Support all languages
Support ESM and CommonJS
Custom sep Style
Ignore HTML Tags
Ignore HTML Entity


Sun Aug 07 2022 01:33:40 GM +0900
length of normal text: 590
length of text with html tags: 1579

normal#ignoreHtmlTags x 46,106 ops/sec ±4.22% (86 runs sampled)
normal#notIgnoreHtmlTags x 53,200 ops/sec ±0.93% (89 runs sampled)
withHtmlTags#ignoreHtmlTags x 3,213 ops/sec ±0.92% (87 runs sampled)
withHtmlTags#notIgnoreHtmlTags x 3,605 ops/sec ±1.59% (87 runs sampled)


⚙️ Install

npm i text-vide
yarn add text-vide
pnpm add text-vide


<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/text-vide/dist/index.iife.js"></script>

📖 Usage


<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/text-vide/dist/index.iife.js"></script>
  const text =
    'Bionic Reading is a new method facilitating the reading process by guiding the eyes through text with artificial fixation points. As a result, the reader is only focusing on the highlighted initial letters and lets the brain center complete the word. In a digital world dominated by shallow forms of reading, Bionic Reading aims to encourage a more in-depth reading and understanding of written content.';

  const highlightedText = textVide.textVide(text);

  console.log(highlightedText); // '<b>Bion</b>ic <b>Readi</b>ng ... <b>writt</b>en <b>conte</b>nt.'


import { textVide } from 'text-vide';

const text =
  'Bionic Reading is a new method facilitating the reading process by guiding the eyes through text with artificial fixation points. As a result, the reader is only focusing on the highlighted initial letters and lets the brain center complete the word. In a digital world dominated by shallow forms of reading, Bionic Reading aims to encourage a more in-depth reading and understanding of written content.';

const highlightedText = textVide(text);

console.log(highlightedText); // '<b>Bion</b>ic <b>Readi</b>ng ... <b>writt</b>en <b>conte</b>nt.'


const { textVide } = require('text-vide');

const text =
  'Bionic Reading is a new method facilitating the reading process by guiding the eyes through text with artificial fixation points. As a result, the reader is only focusing on the highlighted initial letters and lets the brain center complete the word. In a digital world dominated by shallow forms of reading, Bionic Reading aims to encourage a more in-depth reading and understanding of written content.';

const highlightedText = textVide(text);

console.log(highlightedText); // '<b>Bion</b>ic <b>Readi</b>ng ... <b>writt</b>en <b>conte</b>nt.'


textVide(text: string, options?: Options)

textVide('text-vide', {
  // ... Options


type Options = Partial<{
  sep: string | string[];
  fixationPoint: number;
  ignoreHtmlTag: boolean;
  ignoreHtmlEntity: boolean;


  • Default: ['<b>', '</b>']

Passing a string allows you to specify the Beginning and End of the highlighted word at once.

textVide('text-vide', { sep: '**' }); // '**tex**t-**vid**e'

It can also set them up by passing a list of length 2.

textVide('text-vide', { sep: ['<strong>', '</strong>'] }); // '<strong>tex</strong>t-<strong>vid</strong>e'


  • Default: 1
  • Range: [1, 5]
// Default fixation-point: 1
textVide('text-vide'); // '<b>tex</b>t-<b>vid</b>e'

// Changed fixation-point: 5
textVide('text-vide', { fixationPoint: 5 }); // '<b>t</b>ext-<b>v</b>ide'


  • Default: true

If this option is true, HTML tags are not highlighted.

textVite('<div>abcd</div>efg'); // '<div><b>abc</b>d</div><b>ef</b>g'
textVite('<div>abcd</div>efg', { ignoreHtmlTag: false }); // '<<b>di</b>v><b>abc</b>d</<b>di</b>v><b>ef</b>g'


  • Default: true

If this option is true, HTML entities are not highlighted.

textVide('&nbsp;abcd>'); // '&nbsp;<b>abc</b>d>'
textVide('&nbsp;abcd>', { ignoreHtmlEntity: false }); // &<b>nbs</b>p;<b>abc</b>d&<b>g</b>t;


MIT @Gumball12

It does not require any additional licenses, except for MIT. (#38)

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Text Vide" Project. README Source: Gumball12/text-vide
Open Issues
Last Commit
5 months ago

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