Tolaria Versions Save

A Rails CMS framework for making your editors happy.


4 years ago

This release adds support for Rails 6 including updates to supporting dependencies including


The Travis CI ruby version has been incremented to 2.6.3


7 years ago

This release includes the following bugfixes and minor changes:

  • Fixed an issue where the Markdown editor would jump around when you used the UI buttons #58
  • Fixed an issue where the Markdown editor would sometimes collapse and vanish when you pressed the backspace key #59

(thanks @tedw!)


7 years ago

This release includes the following bugfixes and minor changes:

  • Fixed an ArgumentError exception when using image_association_select in Rails 5.


7 years ago

This release includes the following bugfixes and minor changes:

  • Tolaria will now generate database migrations with a version number, to avoid a Rails 5 deprecation warning
  • Tolaria now depends on Ransack >= 1.8 for the best Rails 5 support.
  • Tolaria now uses jQuery 3.1.0 internally and other libraries have been updated to follow suit (please note that we consider this a minor change, as Tolaria has never supported Internet Explorers older than IE 10)


7 years ago

This release includes the following bugfixes:

  • Tolaria was using render nothing:true internally, which was deprecated in Rails 5. Changed to using head


7 years ago

Tolaria 2.0 includes compatibility for Rails 5.0 🚀

  • Tolaria now requires Rails 5.0+ and Ruby 2.3+.
  • Users on Rails 4.2 should continue to use Tolaria 1.x
  • After you upgrade to Rails 5.0, there are no Tolaria-specific code changes required if you previously had a working admin system on Tolaria 1.x. The APIs and ERB views remain the same for this release.

This release also includes the following other changes:

  • Font Awesome has been updated to 4.6.3, which adds a suite of accessibility-focused icons.
  • When editing or saving your form changes, Tolaria will now remember which page you were previously on if your index was paginated. This is similar to how Tolaria remembers which filters or sorting you may have applied on the index.
  • To reduce the possibility of collision, the pagination parameter is now p instead of page.


8 years ago

This release contains the following bug fixes and minor changes:

  • Fixed an issue with Sprockets 3 and 4 where admin/favicon.ico was not slated for precompilation.
  • Selecting multiple lines and applying list, bullet, or quote formatting now works as expected in the Markdown Composer.
  • Tolaria now precompiles one less JavaScript file.


8 years ago

Save and Review:

Tolaria forms now have two submit buttons: Save and Save & Review. The Save button takes the user back to the index view on a successful save. Save & Review takes the user to the show view on success. The second button will hide appropriately if you forbid the show action.

Tolaria now attempts to maintain the search and filtering parameter q when navigating back and forth between the index view, form views, and show view. Cancel and Save buttons should return the user to the index screen with their filters and search params maintained.

Other Changes:

  • FontAwesome has been updated to 4.5.0 (with new icons!)
  • The included Backbone.js has been updated to version 1.2.3 and Moment.js has been updated to version 2.10.6
  • You can now pass additional HTML options to f.hint (to set things like the class, id, or data-* attributes). Useful for targeting with JavaScript.
  • textarea fields now automatically re-size their height to fit content.
  • Made a few small padding and margin tweaks to buttons and the left-hand navigation.
  • You can now run rake admin:create non-interactively by setting the three environment variables NAME, EMAIL, and ORGANIZATION. The rake task will only run non-interactively if you set all three of these variables.
rake admin:create NAME="Evon Gnashblade" EMAIL="[email protected]" ORGANIZATION="BLTC"


8 years ago
  • This release fixes a compatibility/syntax issue with Ruby 2.2.4


8 years ago
  • This release fixes a compatibility/syntax issue with Ruby 2.2.4