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Translate your page in real time using Google or Yandex


3 months ago
  • Fixed: Text-to-speech audio amplifier does not allow the PC to enter sleep mode
  • Some fixes to the color of the address bar extension icon
  • Defined minimum size for the translate button in the Android interface
  • Update interface translations


4 months ago
  • Fixed: When placing the mobile popup at the bottom of the screen, it is not possible to interact with the page.
  • Added: Option to set a server to act as a proxy for google translate.


4 months ago
  • Updated interface translations


4 months ago
  • Added
    • When to show the mobile popup
      1. When necessary
      2. Only when I touch three fingers on the screen
      3. Always show
    • Option to keep the popup on screen
    • Option to change the popup position
    • Experimental Option: Add padding at the beginning or end of the page
  • Fixed
    • Popup does not drag in Kiwi
    • Language detection in Opera and Kiwi is very inaccurate


4 months ago
  • Changes
    • Mobile popup size
  • Fixed
    • CSS is rendered on the page
    • Extension icon does not change color when page is translated in Chrome
    • Page language is not detected in Opera and Kiwi


4 months ago
  • About the Android version.
    • To use the extension on Firefox Android, install the latest version of Firefox (120 or higher) from the Play Store, older versions are not supported. It is no longer necessary to use Iceraven or Firefox Nightly.
    • After installing Firefox open the extension manager, scroll down and click Find more add-ons. Search TWP and install the TWP - Translate For Mobile extension.
    • The popup interface for Android has been completely redone, hopefully this fixes past issues.
    • The Always translate from [language] option is now available on Android.
    • Remember that when you touch the screen with three fingers, the popup is shown/hidden. If you drag the popup to the side it will also be hidden.
  • Added
    • Support for 3 new target languages: Bodo, Chhattisgarhi, Kashmiri.
    • Option to set the volume (with boost) of text-to-speech in the translation settings
    • Do not show if the selected text is not valid
      Enabled by default. And always active for the option [Show translations when hovering over...]
    • Option to disable iframe page translation
      If you disable it, you can translate the iframe manually using the button in the context menu
  • Changes
    • The [Automatically translate when clicking on a link...] option will not be applied to Never translate these sites
    • When you click on always/never translate this site/language, the site may be translated/restored to improve usability
    • Now the translate selected text button will be less annoying, appearing only when the selected text is valid
    • When the DeepL tab opens, a message informs you of the reason
    • Now, when you press the ESC key, the selected text translate panel will close
  • Fixed
    • In Chrome, the translate selected text panel is not localized to the language selected in settings.
    • Extension icon color when using some themes
    • Fix flash of unstyled content on some sites (Thanks Psychpsyo)
    • The tts speed config is not loaded when starting the extension
    • Options page doesn't work if sessionStorage is null
    • Some texts are not localized in the preferred language for the UI
    • Translate selected text panel appears off-screen on Android
  • Updated some language names
  • Update interface translations


9 months ago
  • Update interface translations


10 months ago
  • Added
    • Bing as a text-to-speech service
  • Changes
    • On Android when touching 3 fingers on the screen the popup of the extension will also be hidden
    • The html tags <math>, <mjx-container> and <tex-math> will not be translated
  • Fixed
    • Extension icon color when using dark mode
    • Extension icon color when using Firefox Alpenglow theme
    • Mathematical elements are sometimes translated
  • Updated some language names
  • Update interface translations


11 months ago
  • When clicking the DeepL button in the Translate selected text panel a confirmation message will be shown
  • Update interface translations


1 year ago
  • Changes
    • For custom dictionaries, adapt to the official Bing API
    • Now the button to switch between translation services also appears in the simple interface when the site is translated
  • Fixed
    • Copy button does not appear when translating selected text from inputs
    • Translate button in context menu does not appear in local files
    • Text files are not translated if <pre> tag translation is disabled
  • Update interface translations