TranslucentFlyouts Versions Save

Translucent effect for most of the win32 flyouts


3 months ago

What's Changed: Fixed #116. Mitigated #125. Full Changelog:


3 months ago

What's Changed Fixed explorer possible crash due to incorrect optimization. Fixed unusual white line outside DropDown. Fixed the issue with tooltip text being truncated. Fixed abnormal behavior of WinDbg restarting constantly. Fixed console window constantly popping up when symbols were unavailable. Optimized tooltip hook behavior. Optimized file size for binary builds. Optimized the appearance of the console user interface. Added installation clarification. Added /clearcache, /kill and /silent command parameters.

[!Note] For applications within a DisabledList TF will not catch unhandled exceptions since this version. TF needs to be rebooted to take effect after the features requiring symbols has been enabled since this version. The installation process has been partially changed for this release.

Full Changelog:


3 months ago

What's Changed: Fixed #115. Fixed #114. Fixed a possible crash caused by reading the registry. Improved hook performance. Improved animation appearance for style 1. Improved dump file size. Improved dump prompt text.

No new features have been added to this version. 2024.3.15 Updated Fixed the problem of reading the registry out of order. Full Changelog:


3 months ago

New Registry Keys and Items

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TranslucentFlyouts\EnableMiniDump (dword)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TranslucentFlyouts\DarkMode_ThemeColorizationType (string)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TranslucentFlyouts\LightMode_ThemeColorizationType (string)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TranslucentFlyouts\Menu\EnableCompatibilityMode (dword)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TranslucentFlyouts\Menu\DarkMode_ThemeColorizationType (string)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TranslucentFlyouts\Menu\LightMode_ThemeColorizationType (string)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TranslucentFlyouts\DropDown\EnableFluentAnimation (dword)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TranslucentFlyouts\Tooltip\DarkMode_Color (dword)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TranslucentFlyouts\Tooltip\LightMode_Color (dword)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TranslucentFlyouts\Tooltip\MarginsType (dword)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TranslucentFlyouts\Tooltip\Margins_cxLeftWidth (dword)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TranslucentFlyouts\Tooltip\Margins_cxRightWidth (dword)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TranslucentFlyouts\Tooltip\Margins_cyTopHeight (dword)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TranslucentFlyouts\Tooltip\Margins_cyBottomHeight (dword)

I don't have time to document each of these new features and registry items due to academic reasons, but you can ask what they do in Discussion and I'll respond later. This version fixes almost all the bugs, please try it.

New Contributors

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5 months ago

20+ problems fixed, please discover the new functionalities yourself! image If the symbols are not available, just set the dword value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TranslucentFlyouts\Menu\EnableCompatibilityMode to 1 to enable the compatibility mode :) TranslucentFlyouts.Immersive doesn't use symbols. Update: TranslucentFlyouts.Immersive may not compatible with your system, use with your own risk, but TranslucentFlyouts.Win32 is ok. **20240125 Update:**Add security measures for TranslucentFlyouts.Immersive and fix the crash caused by compile option: guard:cf.


10 months ago



What's changed

  • Optimize symbol resolving process and handling policy
  • Optimize NoModernAppBackgroundColor registry item handling policy
  • Optimize the process of uninstalling
  • Optimize menu animation appearance
  • Optimize initialization process.
  • Optimize dpi scailing of message box
  • Fix abnormal popup menu animation caused by dpi scailing
  • Fix #58
  • Fix explorer crash
  • Fix mmc.exe crash
  • Fix possible crash when there are multiple comctl32.dll
  • Fix the crash of x86 build caused by removing icon background color
  • Fix the possible imcompatibility with StartIsBack
  • Fix it cannot fully delete registry cache


  1. Starting from v2.1.0, TranslucentFlyouts will download the symbol files and calculate the related information for only once, and it will automatically delete those symbol files after completing resolving symbols. The calculated results will be cached into the registry instead of duplicately calculating them in every launch.
  2. TranslucentFlyouts v2.1.0 also provides an option to fully delete your registry configuration information without remaining anything.
  3. The borders of popup menu can be faded during the fade-in animation.

Full Changelog:


10 months ago

What's changed

  • Add new functionalities of removing menu icon background color.
  • Add official translucent support for tooltip.
  • Improve the stability of menu animations.
  • Improve the notice of resolving symbols.
  • Fix syntax errors of config files.
  • Switch to Visual Studio 2022.
  • Fix x86 build cannot work properly.

Full Changelog:


10 months ago
  1. Fix gradient color converting issue.
  2. Fix possible crash of pop-in animation.
  3. Add translucent support for tooltip.
  4. Add support for stopping service temporarily.
  5. You don't need to logoff in this version.

If you want to disable tooltip handling please set dword HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\TranslucentFlyouts\Tooltip\Disabled to 1. No exceptional changes to config, you can simply treat Tooltip as DropDown.

EDIT: There is a problem with the installer code and I have corrected this just now, so you may need to download it again... Full Changelog:


10 months ago
  1. Fix #34 entirely.
  2. Fix possible animation dead lock.
  3. Fix possible animation thread hung.
  4. Fix potential dx resource leak.
  5. Add x86 build.

The x86 version is intended for 32-bit system or 32-bit applications (eg. IDM, vmware). Full Changelog:


10 months ago

What's Changed

  1. Fix #36
  2. Fix #34
  3. Fix #46
  4. Fix #39-"rails"

New Contributors

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