Treeshap Versions Save

Compute SHAP values for your tree-based models using the TreeSHAP algorithm


5 months ago

This is a third CRAN release of the package (after being archived).

What's changed

  • Fixed code examples in lightgbm.unify.


8 months ago

This is a second CRAN release of the package.

What's changed

  • Fixed ranger_surv.unify operation for predictions in form of survival and cumulative hazard functions.
  • Added model_unified_multioutput and treeshap_multioutput classes for multi-output models and their explanations.
  • Improved documentation of ranger_surv.unify.


9 months ago

This is a first CRAN release of the package.

What's changed

  • Removed catboost.unify function (as the catboost package is not on CRAN); it is available on a separate branch
  • Fixed randomForest.unify for classifiers (#12, #23)
  • Implemented consolidated (generic) unify function (#18)
  • An error is thrown when the data passed to the unify or treeshap functions contain variables that are not used by the model (#14)
  • Added implementation for random survival forests created using ranger (#22, #26)
  • Fixed GitHub Actions, check and test issues (#25, #29)
  • Fixed issues with documentation and examples
  • Changed use of bitwise '|' to logical '||' with boolean operands in C++ files