Tufte Versions Save

Simple performance monitoring library for Clojure/Script


9 months ago

📦 Available on Clojars, this project uses Break Versioning.

This is a non-breaking maintenance release, mostly intended to synchronize dependencies with my other recent library releases.

This should be a safe update for users of v2.6.x.


10 months ago

📦 Available on Clojars, this project uses Break Versioning.

This is a non-breaking hotfix release. Please upgrade if you're using v2.6.0.

Fixes since v2.6.0

  • c64ba59 [fix] Hotfix: don't add non-numerical val to dereferenced sstats
  • 27d0090 [fix] Hotfix: bump Encore version


10 months ago

📦 Available on Clojars, this project uses Break Versioning.

This is a non-breaking maintenance release, but includes changes (improvements) to the formatted string output by format-pstats. This shouldn't affect most users, but may affect you if you do any manual parsing of formatted pstats strings.

Changes since v2.5.1

  • a4aee9f [mod] [Stats ns] Refactor pstats formatting code

Fixes since v2.5.1

  • 4f6e05f [fix] [Stats ns] [#67] Don't interpolate percentiles
  • dce5e40 [fix] [Stats ns] Broken SortedDoubles printing


11 months ago

📦 Available on Clojars

Identical to v2.5.0, but synchronizes Encore dependency with my recent library releases (Timbre, Tufte, Sente, Carmine, etc.) to prevent confusion caused by dependency conflicts.

This is a safe update for users of v2.5.0.


11 months ago

📦 Available on Clojars

This is intended as a non-breaking feature release, but it touches a fair bit of code so please keep an eye out for (and let me know about) any unexpected problems - thank you! 🙏

See referenced commit messages for details.

Changes since v2.4.5

  • ebed6d0 [mod] Change capture-time! from a fn to a macro
  • 7442835 [mod] Rename format columns: :n-calls -> :n, :total -> :sum

New since v2.4.5

  • 2a38e1a [new] [#66] Track callsite locations of p ids
  • 0a2484f [new] defnp and fnp now track cross-arity stats, add tests
  • GraalVM compatibility is now tested during build


1 year ago
[com.taoensso/tufte "2.4.5"]

This is a very minor maintenance release. It should be non-breaking. See here for recommended steps when updating any Clojure/Script dependencies.

Changes since v2.3.0

  • Update dependencies
  • Some minor refactoring and performance improvements


1 year ago
[com.taoensso/tufte "2.4.0"]

This is a very minor maintenance release. It should be non-breaking. See here for recommended steps when updating any Clojure/Script dependencies.

Changes since v2.3.0

  • Update dependencies
  • Some minor refactoring and performance improvements


1 year ago

Identical to v2.3.0-RC1 (2022 Jul 18)

[com.taoensso/tufte "2.3.0"]

This is a major feature and fix release. Should be non-breaking for vast majority of folks.
See here for recommended steps when updating any Clojure/Script dependencies.

Behavioural changes since v2.2.0

  • Stats format: refactor, use default JVM locale thousands separator for call counts (Clj only)

Fixes since v2.2.0

  • add-accumulating-handler!: fix broken default val and examples
  • [#64] Broken concurrent (local (local ...)) nested profiling (Clj only) (@awkay)
  • Broken (dynamic (local ...)) nested profiling
  • Broken nested profiling tests
  • Correctly document which profile/d options are compile-time and runtime

New since v2.2.0

  • Throw on invalid compile-time profile/d options
  • [#61] Improve docstrings re: async code

Other changes since v2.2.0

  • Refactor: rename pdata-proxy -> pdata-local
  • Refactor pdata-local
  • Update dependencies


1 year ago
[com.taoensso/tufte "2.3.0-RC1"]

This is a major feature and fix release. Should be non-breaking for vast majority of folks.
See here for recommended steps when updating any Clojure/Script dependencies.

Behavioural changes since v2.2.0

  • Stats format: refactor, use default JVM locale thousands separator for call counts (Clj only)

Fixes since v2.2.0

  • add-accumulating-handler!: fix broken default val and examples
  • [#64] Broken concurrent (local (local ...)) nested profiling (Clj only) (@awkay)
  • Broken (dynamic (local ...)) nested profiling
  • Broken nested profiling tests
  • Correctly document which profile/d options are compile-time and runtime

New since v2.2.0

  • Throw on invalid compile-time profile/d options
  • [#61] Improve docstrings re: async code

Other changes since v2.2.0

  • Refactor: rename pdata-proxy -> pdata-local
  • Refactor pdata-local
  • Update dependencies


3 years ago
[com.taoensso/tufte "2.2.0"]

This is a major feature release. Should be non-breaking.
See here for recommended steps when updating any Clojure/Script dependencies.

Changes since v2.1.0:

  • [DEPRECATED] set-min-level!, set-ns-pattern!, with-min-level, with-ns-pattern: prefer just using the relevant dynamic vars directly.

New since v2.1.0:

  • *min-level* can now be an int, or a [[<ns-pattern> <int>] ...] for ns-specific levels.
  • *min-level* init val can now be set via taoensso.tufte.min-level.edn JVM property, or TAOENSSO_TUFTE_MIN_LEVEL_EDN env var.
  • *ns-filter* can now be a pred fn, or an ns-pattern (which will be auto compiled to a pred fn).
  • *ns-filter* init val can now be set via taoensso.tufte.ns-pattern.edn JVM property, or TAOENSSO_TUFTE_NS_PATTERN_EDN env var.
  • Docstring improvements.