Tufte Versions Save

Simple performance monitoring library for Clojure/Script


3 years ago
[com.taoensso/tufte "2.2.0-RC1"]

This is a major feature release. Should be non-breaking. See here for a tip re: general recommended steps when updating any Clojure/Script dependencies.

New since v2.1.0:

  • *min-level* can now be an int, or a [[<ns-pattern> <int>] ...] for ns-specific levels.
  • *min-level* init val can now be set via taoensso.tufte.min-level JVM property, or TAOENSSO_TUFTE_MIN_LEVEL env var.
  • *ns-filter* can now be a pred fn, or an ns-pattern (which will be auto compiled to a pred fn).
  • *ns-filter* init val can now be set via taoensso.tufte.ns-pattern JVM property, or TAOENSSO_TUFTE_NS_PATTERN env var.

Changes since v2.1.0:

  • [DEPRECATED] set-min-level!, set-ns-pattern!, with-min-level, with-ns-pattern: prefer just using the relevant dynamic vars directly.
  • Some docstring improvements.


4 years ago
[com.taoensso/tufte "2.1.0"]

Identical to "2.1.0-RC5" (besides some docstring tweaks).

This is an API-non-breaking feature release (though format-pstats output has changed). Big thanks to @ivarref for much of the work+input on this release!

Feedback and bug reports welcome, especially for the Cljs implementation which I'm not currently using myself.

Thank you!

  • [#54] New: merge-pstats clock total should now mostly be lossless (@ivarref)
  • [#37] New: Improve+expand accumulator utils to make one common pattern of app-wide profiling trivial
  • [#32 #31 #30] New: format-pstats: add configurable columns filter, sort, id format (@ivarref)
  • [#41] New: Add abbreviated format-id-fn (@ivarref)
  • [#19] New: Add defnp- macro
  • New: defnp: add support for explicit ^{:tufte/id _} to override automatic ids
  • New: New optional stats columns: :p25, :p75
  • [#33] Fix: cljs implementation was broken
  • [#54] Fix: merge-pstats compaction wasn't always working, could lead to OOMs (@ivarref)
  • [#40] Change: Left-align pid in format-pstats output (@meeseekz)


4 years ago
[com.taoensso/tufte "2.1.0-RC5"]

This is an API-non-breaking feature release (though format-pstats output has changed). Big thanks to @ivarref for much of the work+input on this release!

Feedback and bug reports welcome, especially for the Cljs implementation which I'm not currently using myself.

Thank you!

  • [#54] New: merge-pstats clock total should now mostly be lossless (@ivarref)
  • [#37] New: Improve+expand accumulator utils to make one common pattern of app-wide profiling trivial
  • [#32 #31 #30] New: format-pstats: add configurable columns filter, sort, id format (@ivarref)
  • [#41] New: Add abbreviated format-id-fn (@ivarref)
  • [#19] New: Add defnp- macro
  • New: defnp: add support for explicit ^{:tufte/id _} to override automatic ids
  • New: New optional stats columns: :p25, :p75
  • [#33] Fix: cljs implementation was broken
  • [#54] Fix: merge-pstats compaction wasn't always working, could lead to OOMs (@ivarref)
  • [#40] Change: Left-align pid in format-pstats output (@meeseekz)


5 years ago
[com.taoensso/tufte "2.1.0-RC4"]

This is an API-non-breaking feature release (though format-pstats output has changed). Big thanks to @ivarref for much of the work+input on this release!

Feedback and bug reports welcome, especially for the Cljs implementation which I'm not currently using myself.

Thank you!

  • New [#37]: More accurate clock-total when merging ordered disjoint pstats
  • New [#37]: Improve+expand accumulator utils to make one common pattern of app-wide profiling trivial
  • New [#32 #31 #30]: format-pstats: add configurable columns filter, sort, id format (@ivarref)
  • New [#41]: Add abbreviated format-id-fn (@ivarref)
  • New [#19]: Add defnp- macro
  • New: defnp: add support for explicit ^{:tufte/id _} to override automatic ids
  • Change [#40]: Left-align pid in format-pstats output (@meeseekz)
  • Fix [#33]: cljs implementation was broken


5 years ago
[com.taoensso/tufte "2.1.0-RC3"]

This is an API-non-breaking feature release (though format-pstats output has changed). Big thanks to @ivarref for much of the work+input on this release!

Feedback and bug reports welcome, especially for the Cljs implementation which I'm not currently using myself.

Thank you!

  • New [#37]: More accurate clock-total when merging ordered disjoint pstats
  • New [#37]: Improve+expand accumulator utils to make one common pattern of app-wide profiling trivial
  • New [#32 #31 #30]: format-pstats: add configurable columns filter, sort, id format (@ivarref)
  • New [#41]: Add abbreviated format-id-fn (@ivarref)
  • New [#19]: Add defnp- macro
  • New: defnp: add support for explicit ^{:tufte/id _} to override automatic ids
  • Change [#40]: Left-align pid in format-pstats output (@meeseekz)
  • Fix [#33]: cljs implementation was broken


5 years ago
[com.taoensso/tufte "2.1.0-RC2"]

This is an API-non-breaking feature release (though format-pstats output has changed). Big thanks to @ivarref for much of the work+input on this release!

Feedback and bug reports welcome, especially for the Cljs implementation which I'm not currently using myself.

Thank you!

  • New [#37]: More accurate clock-total when merging ordered disjoint pstats
  • New [#37]: Improve+expand accumulator utils to make one common pattern of app-wide profiling trivial
  • New [#32 #31 #30]: format-pstats: add configurable columns filter, sort, id format (@ivarref)
  • New [#19]: Add defnp- macro
  • New: defnp: add support for explicit ^{:tufte/id _} to override automatic ids
  • Change [#40]: Left-align pid in format-pstats output (@meeseekz)
  • Fix [#33]: cljs implementation was broken


6 years ago
[com.taoensso/tufte "2.0.1"]

This is a trivial, non-breaking hotfix release

  • [#27] Hotfix: fix broken Cljs build (@atroche)


6 years ago
[com.taoensso/tufte "2.0.0"]

This is a major, breaking feature release. Please report any issues, thank you!

Tufte v2 introduces API flexibility improvements to expand on Tufte's strengths as an ongoing application performance monitoring tool.

Main objectives of the v2 API:

  • Defer more profiling costs off-thread, and on demand.
  • Lossless merging of profiling stats from different runs/threads/over-time.
  • Inclusion of percentiles in profiling stats.

These objectives are related: percentiles are expensive to calculate, so infeasible to do on the same thread as profiling capture. Also, stats like percentiles are inherently inaccurate to merge.

By deferring the conversion of captured times to stats, the Tufte v2 API makes it easy to support both lossless merging (by merging times, not stats) - and the inclusion of more expensive stats like percentiles (since the cost of stats computation can be incurred on demand, and off the capturing thread).

The net result: the v2 API is more flexible since it decouples time capture and stats computation.

The decoupling is particularly handy for the ongoing performance monitoring of production applications: the application thread/s can inexpensively capture timing info for deferred/async digestion by a background analytics/monitoring task.

tl;dr The v2 API returns PStats objects that can be ~losslessly merged, or derefed to actually compute statistics.

Detailed changes

  • BREAKING (1): profiled return value has changed: [<result> <?stats-map>] -> [<result> <?pstats-obj>].

  • BREAKING (2): profile handler keys have changed: :stats, :stats-str_ -> :pstats, :pstats-str_.

  • BREAKING (3): Utils were renamed: merge-stats -> merge-pstats, format-stats -> format-pstats.

  • BREAKING (4): Stats maps keys have changed: #{:count :min :max :mean :mad :time} -> #{:n :min :max :mean :mad :sum :p50 :p90 :p95 :p99}.

  • New: Various readability tweaks+improvements to the output of format-pstats.

  • New: profiled and profile calls now accept an :nmax option to control size of captured time buffers (used to prevent OOMs).

  • New: Stats will now automatically include :tufte/compaction info when buffer sizes were exceeded.

  • New: added several new fully-documented low-level primitives for advanced users: new-pdata, with-profiling, capture-time!.

  • Impl: Significant performance improvements to both dynamic and thread-local profiling.

Migration guide

  • If you use only profile with an out-the-box (println or timbre) handler, there are no breaking changes for you.

  • If you use profile with any custom handlers, you'll need to update your handler fns:

    • Stats map keys (as returned by @pstats) have changed (see BREAKING (1) above).
    • Map keys given to handler fns have changed (see BREAKING (2) above).
  • If you use profiled, see BREAKING (1, 3, 4) above.


6 years ago
[com.taoensso/tufte "1.4.0"]

This is a minor, non-breaking feature release

  • Impl: tweak format-stats output spacing (@kassapo)


6 years ago
[com.taoensso/tufte "1.3.0"]

This is a non-breaking feature release.

  • [#21] New: support minutes in format-stats table (@austinhaas)