Typedorm Versions Save

Strongly typed ORM for DynamoDB - Built with the single-table-design pattern in mind.


9 months ago

1.16.0-beta.3 (2023-09-19)


  • core: support retrieval by connection name in getConnection (#359) (406b1d7)


1 year ago

1.16.0-beta.2 (2023-03-26)


  • document-client: expose translateConfig options to DocumentClientV3 (03f4343)


1 year ago

1.16.0-beta.1 (2023-03-08)


  • add schemaVersionAttribute option to enable schema versioning (7856e29)


1 year ago

1.15.4 (2023-02-28)

Bug Fixes


1 year ago

1.15.4-beta.1 (2023-02-26)

Bug Fixes


1 year ago

1.15.3 (2022-12-20)

Bug Fixes

  • common: expose transaction exception types as public api (5ab2dcc)


1 year ago

1.15.2 (2022-11-14)

Bug Fixes

  • Increase Items per Transaction limit to match AWS limit increase (ab3ff0b)


1 year ago

1.15.1 (2022-10-26)

Bug Fixes

  • updates a type in guide of docs (d208f53)


1 year ago

1.16.0-alpha.1 (2022-09-11)

Bug Fixes

  • core: allow updating non-key attributes with primary key attributes (0c129c0)
  • core: fix recursive logical operation value type (8f7ae30)
  • core: improve scalar type resolver to properly infer attribute types (91d5655)
  • core: missing request id in logs (00d3a1a)


  • common: add support for specifying alias schema on index spec (8b82cf9)
  • core: add support for logging stats when consumed capacity is turned on (b179c48)
  • core: add support for parsing indexes with alias schema (e30a697)
  • core: added AWS SDK v3 support (b12db7b)
  • core: improve logical expression input parser (2962203)
  • core: update client v2 to explicitely parse transaction response (b8a713d)
  • update dc transformer to include unique request id in each logs (1a1cdb3)
  • core: wip: initial attribute aliasing support (b6d05dc)


1 year ago

1.15.0 (2022-08-23)

Bug Fixes

  • core: allow updating non-key attributes with primary key attributes (4b6a7ec)
  • core: allow updating non-key attributes with primary key attributes (7748b77)
  • core: fix recursive logical operation value type (0e72772)
  • core: fix recursive logical operation value type (b03eca3)
  • core: improve scalar type resolver to properly infer attribute types (c42108d)
  • core: improve scalar type resolver to properly infer attribute types (e178bac)
  • core: lock class-transfomer to 0.4.0 (6d926e4)
  • core: missing request id in logs (f0fe713)
  • document-client: import QueryCommand and ScanCommand from @aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb (179671a), closes #249
  • testing: add support for sdk v3 types (6027aaa)


  • common: add support for specifying alias schema on index spec (fb17de0)
  • core: add consistent read support to count, find, findOne, and exists (96f0953)
  • core: add improved error message for conflicting attribute names (1031d40)
  • core: add support for logging stats when consumed capacity is turned on (433efd1)
  • core: added AWS SDK v3 support (1a8b61c)
  • core: expose attribuite value generator helper over the public api (ceca7d0)
  • core: improve logical expression input parser (e713ffc)
  • core: optimize updates by statically verifying attribute value (12080aa)
  • Publish CJS and ESM modules added via 9ad9574bf2125e51d18e043c6e62f8d935de63d7 (ffd3ade)
  • core: improve logical expression input parser (d7e4948)
  • core: update client v2 to explicitely parse transaction response (824e808)
  • update dc transformer to include unique request id in each logs (3003978)
  • core: wip: initial attribute aliasing support (2665c24)