Unipacker Versions Save

Automatic and platform-independent unpacker for Windows binaries based on emulation


1 month ago

Fix crash due to uc_mem_write not working with 'bytearray' data returned by pefile. Thanks @MrROBUST for the PR!


5 months ago

We now support Python 3.10+. Thanks to @grepwood for the PR! Additionally, some bugs were fixed over time


3 years ago

Make Un{i}packer citable


3 years ago

Make sure that any temporary files are properly removed after they are no longer needed


3 years ago

Try the new disassembler integration, e.g. by activating live tracing using log i or with the dis command! Additionally, a few bugs and crashes have been fixed


4 years ago

For the shell we use the cmd2 module, whose version was not fixed in our setup.py dependencies list. Unfortunately, somewhere after cmd2 v0.9.12, breaking API changes have been introduced that went unnoticed by us but caused some features like custom commandline arguments to stop working properly. While we are investigating the impact of the changes, we are now shipping a hotfix release reverting to cmd2 v0.9.12 as our last known working version.


4 years ago

This is a small release feature-wise, but starting with this version, Un{i}packer is able to run on a Windows host!

  • Updated unipacker-unicorn dependency to 1.0.3b7 with full Windows support
  • Automatic I/O mode: New command line args that enable you to unpack a list of binaries or even directories full of samples in a batch processing manner


5 years ago

We are excited to announce our first production release of Un{i}packer! Several important milestones have been addressed since we first published the code on GitHub:

  • Massive code refactoring, especially removing all global variables and introducing a class and package structure
  • New shell features thanks to our switch to the newer cmd2 library (e.g. system command invocation, output redirection,...)
  • Dumping now generates real and running .exe files instead of a raw dump of the virtual memory space. This includes IAT rebuilding and entry point fixing
  • New packers are supported (MEW, MPRESS, YZPack)
  • Regression tests with known working samples, running in a Travis CI build server
  • PyPi package with automatic deployment from Travis
  • Docker container for quick and easy setup
  • Many other behaviour and bug fixes