Universities Save

:school_satchel: Free & open source API service for obtaining information about +9600 universities worldwide.

Project README

Universities is free & open source API service. :school_satchel:

Features :rocket:

  • Python FastAPI backend. :hammer:
  • SQLAlchemy - models :bar_chart:
  • Asynchronous - Thanks to Uvicorn Universities API comes with a incredibly fast ASGI server, :rocket:
  • Large database - Supports over +140 countries +9600 Universities :satellite:
  • Documentation - Have an automatic API documentation web user interface thanks to FastAPI
  • Open source - Everything from the code base is opensource and free to use under a permissive MIT license.

Try it online with the Documentation now!

How to use & query parameters :bulb:

You can search by:

  • Country /search?country=India or /search?country=United+States
  • Name /search?name=harvard
  • Alpha_two_code /search?alpha_two_code=FR
  • Domain /search?domain=uni-muenchen.de

Multiple querying & Auto completion

  • Name and Country /search?country=Brazil&name=Centro
  • Name and Alpha_two_code /search?name=oxford&alpha_two_code=gb

Example Response

    "name": "Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München",
    "alpha_two_code": "DE",
    "country": "Germany",
    "web_pages": [
    "domains": [
    "state_province": null

For Installation :pushpin:

git clone https://github.com/ycd/universities.git
cd universities
virtulenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
uvicorn app.main:app --reload


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Universities" Project. README Source: ycd/universities
Open Issues
Last Commit
3 years ago

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