UWebSockets Versions Save

Simple, secure & standards compliant web server for the most demanding of applications


2 weeks ago
  • Make use of ERR_INVALID_CLOSE_PAYLOAD to better explain such closures.
  • Remove C-API as it is no longer maintained here, but rather over at the Bun repo.
  • It's invalid to pass nullptr to memcpy even with 0 size according to UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer, so this is now fixed.


3 months ago

RFC 9110 fix part trois

  • DQUOTE is not a valid field name char
  • "431 Request Header Fields Too Large" will be emitted more strictly
    • Reminder: you can set the environment variable UWS_HTTP_MAX_HEADERS_SIZE higher if you need to


3 months ago

RFC 9110 fix part deux

Previous release did not fix all problems with, for instance, underscores in HTTP field names. This release properly fixes such cases and also makes the HTTP server 14% faster in user space.

A new benchmarking project has been added for reliably benchmarking the entire user space portion of the server by overriding epoll syscalls with traffic producing alternatives. This is a similar approach to how we currently fuzz the user space.


4 months ago

RFC 9110 fix

A misinterpretation of the spec. has been fixed re. HTTP field names. If you rely on field names that aren't just alphanum + hyphen, this release should fix your use.


4 months ago
  • Bumps uSockets to v0.8.8
  • Minor fixes


5 months ago

Parameter routing fixes

Having multiple URL routes with differently named parameter segments at the same depth in the routing tree would cause the order of matching to be potentially different from what the documentation stated.

This release fixes that, and adds more testing for this scenario.


5 months ago

Experimental cross-platform uWS::LocalCluster

We've always supported multi-CPU scaling as detailed in the HelloWorldThreaded.cpp example and benchmarking blog posts. However, this example has only been properly supported on Linux systems and contained some really ugly boiler plate code.

This release adds the uWS::LocalCluster helper that works properly on Windows, macOS, Linux and makes it easy to take any single-CPU app and make it scale over all available CPU-cores by default:

uWS::App(options).get(pattern, handler).listen(port, handler).run();

simply becomes

uWS::LocalCluster(options, [](uWS::App &app) {
  app.get(pattern, handler).listen(port, handler);

This is reflected in the updated HelloWorldThreaded.cpp example and works for both SSL and non-SSL clusters.

v20.56.0 on macOS (capped at 99% CPU-time)

Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 11 46 36

v20.57.0 on macOS (approaches 800% CPU-time)

Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 11 43 57


5 months ago

SSL fixes

  • Don't crash on addServerName when provided files are missing
  • Disable a (broken) per-SSL optimization that caused issues with backpressure in certain cases


6 months ago
  • Adds named parameter getters (as complement to integral offset getters) like so:
	/* Define a parameter route */
	.get("/:first/static/:second", [](auto *res, auto *req) {

		/* Use the value of a parameter as response */
		res->write("<h1>first is: ");

		res->write("<h1>second is: ");

  • Adds new example showing the above in use.


6 months ago
  • Bumps the maximum HTTP receive body size from 30 bits to 62 bits (1 GB -> 4294967296 GB)