Version Checker Versions Save

Kubernetes utility for exposing image versions in use, compared to latest available upstream, as metrics.


3 years ago

This is the first release of version-checker :tada:

version-checker supports exposing image version metrics from the following registries:


version-checker also supports the following options for controlling image look-ups and comparisons:

  • 4: will pin the major version to check to 4 (v4.0.0).

  • 3: will pin the minor version to check to 3 (v0.3.0).

  • 23: will pin the patch version to check to 23 (v0.0.23).

  • "true": will allow to search for image tags which contain information after the first part of the semver string. For example, this can be pre-releases or build metadata (v1.2.4-alpha.0, v1.2.3-debian-r3).

  • "true": will check against the latest SHA tag available. Essentially, the latest image by date. This is silently set to true if no image tag, or "latest" image tag is set. Cannot be used with any other options.

  • $v\d+\.\d+\.\d+-debian\.*: is used for only comparing against image tags which match the regex set. For example, the above annotation will only check against image tags which have the form of something like v.1.3.4-debian-r30. is not required when this is set. All other options are ignored when this is set.

vesion-checker can be installed as either static manifests;

$ cd ./deploy/yaml && kubectl apply -f .

Or through helm;

$ cd ./deploy/charts/version-checker && kubectl create namespace verison-checker
$ helm install version-checker . -n version-checker