VHD WIMBOOT Versions Save

Apply and Capture of WIM Files for OS in VHD


2 months ago

VHD_WIMBOOT - Apply and Capture of WIM Files for OS in VHD

VHD_WIMBOOT - https://msfn.org/board/topic/179561-vhd_wimboot-apply-and-capture-of-wim-files-for-os-in-vhd/

Mini 10x64 in VHD - https://msfn.org/board/topic/182020-mini-10x64-in-vhd/

USB Format Tool and UEFI_MULTI - https://msfn.org/board/topic/181311-usb-format-tool-and-uefi_multi/

Download File E = Encrypted Password = bootwimb

Download to Root of Drive and Use 7-zip R-mouse Menu to Extract here


4 years ago

VHD_WIMBOOT - Apply and Capture of WIM Files for OS in VHD

VHD_WIMBOOT - https://msfn.org/board/topic/179561-vhd_wimboot-apply-and-capture-of-wim-files-for-os-in-vhd/

Mini 10x64 in VHD - https://msfn.org/board/topic/182020-mini-10x64-in-vhd/

USB Format Tool and UEFI_MULTI - https://msfn.org/board/topic/181311-usb-format-tool-and-uefi_multi/

Download File E = Encrypted Password = bootwimb

Download to Root of Drive and Use 7-zip R-mouse Menu to Extract here


4 years ago

VHD_WIMBOOT - Apply and Capture of WIM Files for OS in VHD

VHD_WIMBOOT - https://msfn.org/board/topic/179561-vhd_wimboot-apply-and-capture-of-wim-files-for-os-in-vhd/

Mini 10x64 in VHD - https://msfn.org/board/topic/182020-mini-10x64-in-vhd/

USB Format Tool and UEFI_MULTI - https://msfn.org/board/topic/181311-usb-format-tool-and-uefi_multi/

Download File E = Encrypted Password = bootwimb

Download to Root of Drive and Use 7-zip R-mouse Menu to Extract here


4 years ago

VHD_WIMBOOT - Apply and Capture of WIM Files for OS in VHD

VHD_WIMBOOT - https://msfn.org/board/topic/179561-vhd_wimboot-apply-and-capture-of-wim-files-for-os-in-vhd/

Mini 10x64 in VHD - https://msfn.org/board/topic/182020-mini-10x64-in-vhd/

USB Format Tool and UEFI_MULTI - https://msfn.org/board/topic/181311-usb-format-tool-and-uefi_multi/

Download File E = Encrypted Password = bootwimb

Download to Root of Drive and Use 7-zip R-mouse Menu to Extract here