Videogular2 Save

The HTML5 video player for Angular 2

Project README

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Videogular is an HTML5 video player for Angular 2.0. Videogular is a wrapper over the HTML5 video tag, so you can just add whatever you want. This provides a very powerful, but simple to use solution, for everybody.

You can see a demo here:


How to install

To get up and running quickly, check out the getting started guide.

NPM commands

Run start to compile the project, execute tests and check coverage:

npm start

Run build to compile the project:

npm run build

Run test to test the project:

npm test

Run coverage to check the coverage report:

npm run coverage

To start the example app run the following commands and open http://localhost:8080:

cd examples
npm install
npm run build
npm start

Quick template

Stackblitz Template

Supported by

Videogular wants to thank you to this companies for support this project:


Videogular is a project created by Raúl Jiménez and released under MIT license.

This project would not be possible without our team members and an amazing community,

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Videogular2" Project. README Source: videogular/videogular2

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