Vimtur Versions Save

Vimtur Media Manager


7 months ago

Bugfixes, upgrades and switch from pHash to Blockhash to reduce image build complexity.

  • Added trackBy to Angular to improve performance.
  • Upgraded Angular, ffmpeg, Alpine, NodeJS, gallery-dl, yt-dlp, node dependencies.
  • Added action to build images.
  • Use pkt_dts_time instead of pkt_pts_time to extract keyframes with new ffmpeg version.
  • Switch to a JS implementation of Blockhash from pHash.
  • Improve algorithm to find image clones, now much faster.
  • Fixed multi-select annoying behaviours on Chrome.
  • Syncronise quick-search in navbar with Search screen.


1 year ago

Bump base image to upgrade gallery-dl and yt-dlp


2 years ago
  • Added gallery-dl and yt-dlp support
  • Fixed issues with video controls in chrome


2 years ago
  • Fixed pressing enter not updating multiselect selection


2 years ago
  • Replaced multiselect with a custom component that has better mobile usability and keyboard controls.
  • Upgraded to Angular 12.
  • Scale images served to mobile devices (configurable) rather than sending raw high-res.
  • Improved performance by reusing routes and adding a loading spinner to screens that take a moment to render the first time.
  • Decreased opacity of video player play button so it's possible to see the content beneath.


3 years ago
  • Improved mobile UI by removing unnecessary padding and margins.
  • Overhauled video previews on mobile. These now render in place of the video rather than on the timeline.
  • Added two new tasks for optimising previews and thumbnails. These heavily optimise the PNGs at the cost of quality. These tasks aren't executed by default because they sometimes add odd colouring and for previews the frames sometimes don't line up. This will allow loading previews for long videos on mobile devices to be much quicker.


3 years ago
  • Added download support.
  • Improved mobile friendliness by disabling keyboard popup on multi-selects for mobile and fixed overflowing width.
  • Updated dependencies to latest versions.


3 years ago

This release switches the cache generation method to match the segment lengths generated for streaming. This leads to better transitions between cached and streamed segments.

This is automatically the case for new caches and legacy caches continue to be supported. To switch to the new caching method run the "Remove video caches generated with the legacy method" task. This will delete all caches that have an index.m3u8. Then run the task to generate missing caches.



3 years ago
  • Fixed being unable to extract video album and title When there was no artist metadata on a video all other metadata was also ignored. This is fixed for new imports. For old imports please run the "Rescan video files for missing metadata" task. This will add missing metadata from the video files to the database. It will not clobber any existing metadata in the DB.


3 years ago
  • Added support for auto-tagging/classification using TensorFlow and a number of different models.