Vistime Versions Save

Pretty timelines in R.


8 months ago


  • Fix failing dependency by exchanging package usage of assertive.types with assertthat


3 years ago


  • hc_vistime() labels on y-axis were incorrectly reversed (#24)


3 years ago

Breaking Changes

  • highcharter is no more installed by default when you install vistime.


  • optimize_y = TRUE did not work correctly for ranges that occur during other ranges (issue #22)

New features

Minor adjustments

  • Updated documentation
  • Internals:
    • Using the assertive.types package instead of assertthat for nicer error messages
    • Upgraded to testthat 3.0 for unit tests
    • Bugfixes for hc_vistime() arguments


3 years ago

Breaking Changes

  • Made arguments more intuitive:
    • col.event instead of event
    • col.start instead of start
    • col.end instead of end
    • instead of groups
    • col.color instead of colors
    • col.fontcolor instead of fontcolors
    • col.tooltip instead of tooltips

New features

  • New function hc_vistime(): Create an interactive timeline rendered by the famous Highcharter.js library

Minor adjustments

  • gg_vistime:
    • Use geom_text() for labels
    • Avoid overlapping of event labels using ggrepel::geom_text_repel()
    • Layout adjustments: Panel border and changes under-the-hood
  • vistime:
    • Changes under the hood (vertical and horizontal lines)
    • Panel border
  • Usage of package assertthat and re-organization of dependencies


4 years ago

This is the first major release of vistime after three years of development.