Vscode Cmantic Versions Save

C/C++ code generation for VS Code: Generate Definitions, Getters, Setters, and much more.


3 years ago

[0.5.1] - February 27, 2021


  • Added a setting Cpp: Use Explicit This Pointer to control whether generated member functions prefix class members with this->. (#17)


  • Handling of the inline specifier has changed. Definitions generated within header files will have the inline specifer to prevent ODR violations. Additionally, inline functions can now be moved to source files and the inline specifier will be removed. Definitions moved to header files will gain the inline specifier.
  • Generating getters and setters for static members will now prefix the member with the class name (ClassName::staticMember).


  • Fixed Add Definition's whitespace alignment for multi-line declarations when removing leading specifiers (such as virtual, static, etc.). (#19)


3 years ago

[0.5.0] - February 25, 2021


  • Add Definition for constructors will now prompt the user for what they want to initialize (delegating constructor, base class constructor(s), member variables) and generate the boiler-plate for the initializer list.
  • Added a setting Cpp: Braced Initialization to control whether member initializers use parentheses or curly braces.
  • Added cmantic.generateEqualityOperators command/code-action.


  • Code-actions (refactorings) will now always appear in the Refactor... menu, even if they are disabled from being suggested in the light-bulb menu.


  • Performance of finding header/source pairs has been improved for complex/remote workspaces. (#13)
  • Fixed an issue where the header/source cache could be invalidated by file changes outside of VS Code. (#13)


3 years ago

[0.4.2] - February 20, 2021


  • Added a setting Case Style to control whether getters and setters are generated with names in snake_case, camelCase, or PascalCase. (#11)


  • volatile qualifier will now be stripped from getter return types as it has no effect.


  • Fixed setter generation for reference types. (#12)
  • Fixed a bug where primitive/pointer types would sometimes generate setters with a const-reference parameter.
  • Fixed a bug where 'east' const and mutable qualifiers would not be stripped from getter return types.


3 years ago

[0.4.1] - February 19, 2021


  • Added support for s_ static member naming scheme when generating getters and setters.
  • Added settings to control what code-actions are suggested (light-bulb menu).
  • Added a setting to control the verbosity of alerts that are shown (Information, Warning, Error).


  • Code-actions for generating getters and setters will now only be suggested when you select the name of the member variable.


  • Fixed a bug where classes/structs defined within a class/struct could affect the placement of getters and setters.
  • Fixed a bug where getters and setters could not be generated for static members on clangd.


3 years ago

[0.4.0] - February 14, 2021


  • Added cmantic.moveDefinitionIntoOrOutOfClass command/code-action. Additionally, definitions within classes can be moved to a matching source file. (#7)


  • Add Definition will no longer reveal existing definitions if Reveal New Definitions is turned off in the settings.


  • Fixed a bug when determing the scope of a new function definition. Definitions were sometimes generated with namespaces prepended to their scope-string (namespace::class::functionName) even if the definition was being placed within the cooresponding namespace block.
  • Fixed Move Definition not accounting for changes in scope at the target position. (#6)
  • Parsing has been improved to accurately find matching parentheses, brackets, etc.
  • Improved parsing of preprocessor directives.
  • Raw string literals are now accounted for. This may have caused parsing issues before. (#8)
  • Improved parsing of access specifiers when looking for a location for new getters and setters. Under some conditions, getters and setters may have been placed in non-public access.
  • Improved smart-placement of function definitions.
  • Implemented a workaround for Add Definition sometimes not revealing the new definition in the editor. (#2)
  • Code-actions will no longer be suggested for deleted, defaulted, and pure virtual functions.


3 years ago

February 08, 2021


  • Added an Output channel to log info, warnings, and errors.
  • Generating a setter will now recognize enum types and use a pass-by-value parameter type.
  • Generating a setter can now resolve typedef's and type-alias's in order to determine if the parameter should be pass-by-value instead of pass-by-const-reference.
  • Added an opt-in setting to resolve typedef's, type-alias's, and enum's when generating setters because this may impact the performance of the command.


  • Changed the UI appearance of getter and setter commands and messages. This is to differentiate from languages that have 'get' and 'set' keywords.
  • Changed incorrect usage of 'method' to 'member function'. This is a semantic change in order to match the C++ standard.


  • Fixed a bug where member variables having an inline-block-comment would be recognized as being a pointer, and thus would generate a setter with a pass-by-value parameter type.
  • Fixed a bug where having an operator-> function defined/declared anywhere in the file would throw an exception (vscode notified of the error 'name must not be falsy'). This bug also prevented code-actions from being provided for that file.
  • Fixed placement of getter/setter definitions on clangd and ccls.
  • Fixed a bug where a type with a pointer template parameter would generate a pass-by-value setter.
  • Fixed a bug where a type with a const template parameter wouldn't allow generating a setter, because the whole type was being recognized as const.
  • Fixed a bug where a type with a const template parameter would generate a getter with const stripped from the template parameters.


3 years ago

February 05, 2021


  • Added cmantic.moveDefinitionToMatchingSourceFile command/code-action. (#3)


  • Preemptively find header/source pairs to improve performance of commands.


  • Fixed generated getter/setter placement in the case that the relative declaration is multi-lined.
  • Fixed smart-placement of function definitions on Windows.
  • Fixed 'Auto' namespace body indentation for Add Definition in an empty namespace.
  • Fixed placement of new accessor declarations for clangd and ccls.


3 years ago

February 02, 2021


  • Added configurations to customize where definitions of 'get' and 'set' methods are placed. (#1)
  • Added Auto configuration for Curly Brace Format: Namespace.
  • Added configuration to control whether Add Definition reveals new definitions in the editor.


  • Improved performance of Add Definition commands/code-actions.
  • Improved Add Definition sometimes not scrolling to the new definition. (This still happens occasionally, but far less often. It is unclear why.)
  • Fixed cmantic.addHeaderGuard placement of #endif in the case that the file does not end in a newline.
  • Improve parameter parsing of Add Definition.
  • Fixed Add Definition text alignment in the case that text appearing before the parameter list is multi-line.
  • Fixed Add Definition parsing of function templates.


3 years ago

January 29, 2021


  • cmantic.addHeaderGuard will now validate static text given by the user in the C_mantic.headerGuard.defineFormat setting by replacing illegal symbols with underscores.
  • cmantic.createMatchingSourceFile will now sort directory suggestions based on their similarity to the header file's directory. This means that the top directory in the list is most likely the directoy the user wants to put the new file in, and can just press enter.
  • cmantic.createMatchingSourceFile will now look at the file extensions in the selected directory and automatically pick one when there is only one type of source file extension found.
  • Invoking the cmantic.addHeaderGuard command directly now checks for an existing header guard.
  • Directly invoking commands to generate accessor methods now checks for existing accessor methods.


  • Improved performance of cmantic.switchHeaderSourceInWorkspace by caching header/source pairs after they are found.
  • Improved performance of Add Definition commands/code-actions.
  • Fixed where cmantic.addInclude places new includes in the case that the file has no existing include statements and is non-empty.
  • Fixed Add Definition adding extra end-parenthesis for ccls and clangd.
  • Fixed cmantic.addDefinitionInCurrentFile placement for ccls. Certain macros within classes confuses ccls's DocumentSymbols, such as Qt's Q_OBJECT macro.
  • Fixed cmantic.addInclude positioning for ccls and clangd.
  • Fixed Add Definition of operator overload functions for ccls and clangd.
  • Fixed Add Definition not recognizing static methods for ccls.


3 years ago

January 22, 2021


  • cmantic.generateGetterSetter, cmantic.generateGetter, and cmantic.generateSetter commands/code-actions.
  • cmantic.createMatchingSourceFile can now generate namespace blocks. Configurations were added to customize this behavior.


  • Curly Brace Format for functions was split into separate configurations for C and C++.


  • cmantic.addHeaderGuard will now replace any illegal symbols found in the file name with an underscore when creating a #define name.
  • Removed cmantic.addDefinition from appearing in the command palette as this is an internal command and would throw an error if invoked this way.
  • Remove duplicate entries of Refactor... and Source Action... from appearing in the command palette.
  • Fixed issues pertaining to how the placement of new function definitions is determined.
  • Fixed Add Definition not recognizing operator overload functions.
  • Fixed Add Definition not placing function into a cooresponding namespace block when that block was empty.
  • Various minor fixes.