Vscode Restclient Versions Save

REST Client Extension for Visual Studio Code


5 years ago


5 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago
  • Feature: Allow preview response in untitled document directly to use the full power of VS Code to search, select or manipulate the response
  • Feature: Support saving response body to corresponding file according to response MIME type, and also provide setting rest-client.mimeAndFileExtensionMapping to overwrite the saved file extension
  • Feature: Display break down response timing details(Socket, DNS, TCP, First Byte and Download) in tooltip of duration status bar
  • Feature: Display breakdown response size(headers and body) in tooltip of size status bar
  • Bug Fix: Fix auto completion not working sometimes
  • Bug Fix: Image display issue
  • Improvement: Full support multipart/form-data request
  • Improvement: Update Run Request to Send Request in code lense text
  • Improvement: Make global variable randomInt as a snippet string when inserting