Vue Multiselect Versions Save

Universal select/multiselect/tagging component for Vue.js


2 months ago

What's Changed

If you are upgrading from our previous beta release, the only thing we've thrown in is this bug fix:

If you are upgrading from a v2.x, we recommend checking out a brief look at our pre-releases notes for this version. Simply put, this is a Vue 3 compatible version of our latest v2.x versions. This means that it should work the same, we just have some minor Vue 3 related tweaks around this, including

  • value prop is now modelValue
  • @input event is now @update:modelValue

If you are having issues with your migration, here are some tips and tricks to apply:

  • Change props use kebab-case style
  • If you are using slots, check if your templates are setup correctly based in the examples on the docs

Huge thanks for everyone's support!

It's be a journey getting V3 out of the door, so thanks for everyone's support and patience as we get this done!


4 months ago


8 months ago

What's Changed

New Contributors


8 months ago

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


1 year ago

Possible Breaking Change

In our dist folder, we had some files being packaged and named as vue3-multiselect, when the package is just called vue-multiselect. All files are now using the package name, vue-multiselect

What's Changed


I'll be attending the Vue.js London Conference on the 12th of May 2023. If you are also attending, please reachout! Would love to meet some other developers who use the multiselect


1 year ago

As we move towards a production ready Vue 3 compatible version of the Vue Multiselect, we've just released the latest beta version. Key changes are the latest bug fixes from version 2.1.7 have been copied over to this release. You can see what thoses changes and fixes here:

In terms of changes also included for this version, they include:

  • Added new option to prevent autofocus on input search (#1544)


1 year ago

This release will be our final release for version 2, as we focus efforts on getting the mulitselect Vue 3 compatible. You can see the future plans for the multiselect here:


Removed spellcheck from search field (#991) Make select group respect closeOnSelect property ( Make "index" available in options list elements (#1248) Add class when has-option-group (#1474) Added new option to prevent autofocus on input search (#1579)


Screen readers not identifying options properly (#1007) Disable autocomplete in Chrome ( Access $refs ( Removed aria from remove element icon. ( Disabled grouped options get extra classes (#1081) Cannot read property 'blur' of undefined (#1421) "max" does not work properly when selecting all items in an option group (#1398) Programmatic control methods are missing in typescript declaration (#1499) No empty message appears when all group values are empty (#1357) Loading spinner's position (#1300) Remove event is fired before 'input' event (#1619) Select event updates previous value (v-model) (#1353) Selected text and option text are overlapping in drop-down #1602


3 years ago


  • Introduced support for Vue v3.x. Dropping support for Vue v2.x. The component itself becomes largely backward compatible as the implementation itself barely changed.


5 years ago


Let npm build the package when installed from source / github master (#970) Add docs section on programmatic control (#947) Add the search prop to the "noResults" scoped slot. (#964) Disable autocomplete in Chrome (#922)


Selecting a group may cause selection of duplicate items (#945) (#969) Fix spelling mistake (#954) Uncaught error on backspace. (#939) (#937)


5 years ago


  • Use keypress event instead of keydown #847 by @okoriko
  • Display selected zero value (#801) (#851) by @detinho
  • Remove useless console warn (#863) by @karakum
  • Fix mismatched z-index values in prod code. Fixes #850
  • Multiselect is crashing when using groups and $isDisabled #870 by @akki-jat
  • Fix mistake in docs #872 by @ilyario
  • Correct misspelling of "preferred" in component & mixin #904 by @ezracelli
  • Make documentation sidebar readable in smaller resolutions (#885) by @gabrielchiconi
  • remove duplicate css rules for disabled state (#913) by @Nfinished
  • Fix typo in slots documentation (#895) by @btoo
  • Change active input style from width auto to 100% to fix placeholder issue. (#935) by @NewkirkS
  • consider $isDisabled before removing selected (#929) by @tarun1793