Vuestic Admin Versions Save

Free and Beautiful Vue 3 Admin Template


4 months ago

Hey everyone, we’ve pushed a big update for Vuestic-admin and it’s something we’re really excited about. Here’s the rundown:

🚀 New Features

Landing Page: We've added a new landing page. It’s there to help separate the admin panel description from the admin itself, making things clearer and cleaner for everyone.

🛠️ Major Overhaul

Reworked Admin Panel: We’ve gone back to the drawing board with the admin panel. It used to be more of a patchwork of pages, but now it's structured like a real app. This should make navigating and using it feel way more intuitive.

🎨 Design

A Fresh Look: The entire Vuestic-admin has been redesigned. We aimed for a modern, user-friendly interface that not only looks good but makes your workflow smoother.

This update is a big step forward for Vuestic-admin, and we hope it makes your experience better. Dive in, check out the changes, and let us know your thoughts!


1 year ago

Vuestic UI had a major update, so we refreshed vuestic admin to match perfectly.


2 years ago

We've added support for the newer versions of npm - 7 and higher.

Because of the dependencies issues like this.

Previous versions of npm are backwards compatible as well.

Have fun ❤️


2 years ago

Fixed @vue/compiler-sfc issue.

Updated vuestic-ui version.

Updated dependencies.


3 years ago

Big update!

We moved all components to Vuestic UI, which means updates are going to be much easier.

Also added semi-dark theme, which you can check here.

Enjoy! 🤩


4 years ago

🚀 This release is smaller than 2.0, but here we go:

  • PWA support
  • Corporate theme
  • Dropdown button component
  • A number of small fixes and tweaks.

If you didn't know, we've split components into separate repo and are working on vuestic UI undercover 🕵️.


4 years ago

Vuestic is rebuild from ground up - with a bunch of new components and fresh design.

Admin Components

  • Chat
  • Charts
  • Medium editor
  • Navbar
  • Sidebar

UI Components

  • Button
  • Button group
  • Button toggle
  • Card
  • Checkbox
  • Chip
  • Collapse
  • Color picker
  • Data table
  • Date picker
  • Dropdown
  • File upload
  • Input
  • List
  • Modal
  • Notification
  • Pagination
  • Progress bar
  • Radio button
  • Rating
  • Select
  • Sliders
  • Tabs
  • Timelines
  • Toast
  • Toggle
  • Tree view


  • Global grids
  • Spacing helpers
  • Typography
  • Markup tables


  • Login/Signup
  • 404


  • Color themes - all components are bound to theme config, which allows you to change colors dynamically.


5 years ago
  • Circle CI deploy with analytics on board.


5 years ago
  • minor bug fixes


5 years ago
  • Minor fixes