VySecator Versions Save

VySecator Is a Python Script Obfuscation Tool, Which can be used to Obfuscate your hand written Malwares and your Hand Written Scripts!


3 years ago

Fixed Spaces and indents


3 years ago

Added a option in which users can also add their custom icon to the generate EXE


3 years ago

Removed Support for Windows OS

Added Kali Linux Version for the program..


3 years ago

--> Added a user Friendly and Interactive menu

--> Added Loops

--> Fixed Bugs of Pyarmor

--> Added a option to exit


3 years ago

Release 1.1.3

--> Added a new option. Obfuscate and Compile to EXE with icon. --> If you choose the 4th option, You will have to use the default ico file which is the def.ico --> If you wish to choose your own icon then feel free to change the source code.


3 years ago

Hey There! Vedant Here!

New Version of VySec is released! Please see the info below to know what was updated.

--> Added Python2 Support --> Fixed the Bugs when user tries to use the 3rd Module (Obfuscate and Compile to EXE). Error was that PyArmor was giving runtime error because of some Python Glitch

--> Added a new requirements.txt file --> Added a new look to VySec.py

That's All Guys! Make sure to keep a watch on my Program because in Future many interesting and useful Updates are going to be released!

Thank You! Vedant