Wacom Gui Versions Save

Python/PyQt Wacom GUI for KDE


2 years ago

After fairly substantial testing, I feel comfortable making this a stable release. Please test/verify and inform me of any issues you encounter.


  • Support for custom shortcuts/display toggle KDE added (#60 - thanks @skomra !)


  • Avoid crash on exist when no configuration is present/ensure configuration directory is always present (#62 )


3 years ago

Received a EK Remote for testing (thank you Wacom for providing the demo hardware) and I was able to determine the cause of it not loading. Other issues with the SVG parsing were also identified, which may fix problems for other tablets.

Due to newer builds of libwacom requiring Python3, limiting support for newer tablets, this will likely be one of the last python2.7/PyQt4 releases. I will only be providing bug fixes if necessary going forward with future dev focused on migrating the codebase to Python3/PyQt5.


3 years ago


  • Merged fix by @jpisard that addressed some parsing issues with the .tablet files. Should fix issues with those having problems loading the GUI.


5 years ago

This should be a fairly stable release at this point. Please test/verify and inform me of any issues you encounter.


  • PTH-660 (Intuos Pro 2 M) was not loading the GUI. This was due to xsetwacom listing the device as "Intuos Pro" instead of "Intuos Pro 2", as it does from libwacom-data. libwacom has fixed the issue (https://github.com/linuxwacom/libwacom/pull/67), however it has not been added to an official release.
  • More cleanly handles partial device recognition (ie. device detected through xsetwacom but does not have any libwacom data, or it doesn't match) so the GUI still loads. A warning is presented for any device detected in this manner.
  • Hacks put in place to help recognize Cintiq Pro 24/Wacom ExpressKey Remote correctly (#26); needs testing.


  • user's ~/.wacom-gui/custom.json has to be removed if they ran a previous version due to config changes
  • device config ~/.wacom-gui/<dev_id>/device_default must be removed due to config changes to improve toggle speed
  • button display for PTH-660 is messed up due to the format they are using for the SVG; it doesn't parse the same way as the other tablets. I plan to put in a fix request for libwacom-data to hopefully update it to match previous tablets.


5 years ago

This should be a fairly stable release at this point. Please test/verify and inform me of any issues you encounter.


  • PTH-660 (Intuos Pro 2 M) was not loading the GUI. This was due to xsetwacom listing the device as "Intuos Pro" instead of "Intuos Pro 2", as it does from libwacom-data. The "hack" basically says to check if it's a Pro 2 tablet if a Pro (original) isn't found


  • user's ~/.wacom-gui/custom.json has to be removed if they ran a previous version due to config changes
  • device config ~/.wacom-gui/<dev_id>/device_default must be removed due to config changes to improve toggle speed
  • button display for PTH-660 is messed up due to the format they are using for the SVG; it doesn't parse the same way as the other tablets. I plan to put in a fix request for libwacom-data to hopefully update it to match previous tablets.


5 years ago

I think this is getting close to being a stable release. I'll wait for some further feedback but if it works I'll change the status from pre-release to stable.


  • fixed typo for when loading custom hotkey (line 83 of pad.py)


  • user's ~/.wacom-gui/custom.json has to be removed if they ran a previous version due to config changes
  • device config ~/.wacom-gui/<dev_id>/device_default must be removed due to config changes to improve toggle speed


5 years ago


  • missed a check if custom.json exists for the user before trying to load; fixed
  • improved method of toggle to support partial mapping (eventually)
  • improved toggle speed


  • user's ~/.wacom-gui/custom.json has to be removed if they ran a previous version due to config changes
  • device config ~/.wacom-gui/<dev_id>/device_default must be removed due to changes to improve toggle speed


6 years ago

Fixed a few issues, added new tablet variants.


  • Fixed: Renamed PTH-660/PTH-860 to be named "Pro 2" to indicate release difference (Issue #12 )
  • Fixed: GUI would crash when no cursor device was found (Issue #13 )
  • Fixed: inverse buttons option was showing for eraser but it can only be set on the stylus. Didn't break anything but also didn't do anything


  • Added: new tablet variants
    • Intuos5 touch: PTH-450 (S)/PTH-850 (L)
    • Intuos Pro: PTH-451 (S)/PTH-851 (L)
  • Added: Cursor menu to allow setting Absolute/Relative movement (was partially disabled previously)
  • Added: help menu item for cursor


6 years ago
  • Changed toggle to use "MapToOutput next" vs a generating a display matrix to better support non-standard monitor layouts
  • Changed display detection
    • can detect more than 2 displays at a time
    • can support non-standard monitor layouts
    • using "MapToOutput HEAD-" vs matrix; breaks support for CentOS 6.x
  • removed legacy code that should have been removed in the beta that I missed.