Wallace Cli Save

Pretty CSS analytics on the CLI

Project README

Wallace CLI

Pretty CSS analytics in your terminal.


npm install wallace-cli


  $ wallace <path-to-file>

  --json Format as JSON instead of a table
  --help, -h Show this help

  # Point to a file
  $ wallace path/to/styles.css

  # CSS via stdin
  $ cat style.css | wallace

  # CSS from a server
  $ curl http://localhost/css/style.css | wallace

  # Format as json
  $ wallace path/to/styles.css --json

Example output

Example terminal output for this module

  • Online CSS Analyzer - Watch the analytics from this CLI online in a much more visual and detailed way!
  • CSS Diff Action - A GitHub Action that comments on your PR with the changes in your CSS stats.
  • CSS Analyzer - The analyzer that powers this module
  • Constyble - A CSS complexity linter, based on css-analyzer. Don't let your CSS grow beyond the thresholds that you provide.
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Wallace Cli" Project. README Source: projectwallace/wallace-cli

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