Websocketd Versions Save

Turn any program that uses STDIN/STDOUT into a WebSocket server. Like inetd, but for WebSockets.


3 years ago

This is hopefully a full release to replace pre-released 0.3.1 that did not go anywhere.

No signed CHECKSUMS until I finalize few checks.


5 years ago

Go was significantly upgraded since 1.9 so it's time to re-build. Besides that websocketd did not change. Development-wise the build is now utilizes go modules and fixed to use 1.4.0 gorilla-websockets.

This is pre-release so there is no signed checksums file yet.


6 years ago

This release includes migration of websocketd to use gorilla websocket library and:

  • fixes PING/PONG behavior (to the best of our knowledge)
  • improves websocketd behavior in Windows
  • rebuilds OSX binary to be suitable for High Sierra

Since the migration to new library is always a risk it's recommended to be careful and experiment with this version before using it for something important.

PS. CHECKSUMS clearsigned with key 325F6BA1 using gpg.


8 years ago

Changes from 0.2.11:

  • Commands without text IO now could use binary websocket messages to communicate
  • Code compiled with go 1.6 which drops support for SSL3 and fixes other less than ideal SSL protocol features
  • Minor changes were applied to examples and --help output

CHECKSUMS signed with key 325F6BA1. You can verify signature with gpg.


9 years ago

Changes from 0.2.10:

  • PATH env variable is now passed to process by default
  • new --header* flags could generate custom HTTP headers for all websocketd-generated answers
  • there is no more bug causing process to hang when WebSockets client disconnect is detected
  • there were also minor changes for console app (default url building logic and tab char printing)

Code also has multiple changes of examples.

Binaries below have CHECKSUMS.asc file where content is signed by key 325F6BA1 that's published on keyserver.pgp.com.


9 years ago
  • fixes for null-origin situations (#75, #96)
  • better bash examples (#103)
  • changelog and checksums for released files (#101, #105)

Binaries below have CHECKSUMS.asc file where content is signed by key 325F6BA1 that's published on keyserver.pgp.com.


10 years ago
  • ability to listen multiple IP addresses (#40, #43)
  • proper support for TLS (#17)
  • resource limits enforcement (a.k.a. maxforks feature, #46)
  • passenv option to limit environment variables visible by running commands (#4)
  • fix for problem of closing upgraded websocket connection when script is not found (#29)
  • websocket origin restrictions via command line option (#20)
  • minor update for help flag behavior
  • minor fix for devconsole