Wgpu Versions Save

A cross-platform, safe, pure-Rust graphics API.


9 months ago

This release includes the crate wgpu and wgpu-hal only. The crates wgpu-core, and wgpu-types are still at 0.17.1.

Bug Fixes


  • Fix x11 hang while resizing on vulkan. @Azorlogh in #4184.


9 months ago

This release includes the crate wgpu, wgpu-core, and wgpu-hal. The crate wgpu-types is still at 0.17.0.

Added/New Features

  • Add get_mapped_range_as_array_buffer for faster buffer read-backs in wasm builds. By @ryankaplan in #4042.

Bug Fixes


  • Fix panic on resize when using DX12. By @cwfitzgerald in #4106


  • Suppress validation error caused by OBS layer. This was also fixed upstream. By @cwfitzgerald in #4002
  • Work around bug in nvidia's vkCmdFillBuffer implementation. By @cwfitzgerald in #4132.


11 months ago

This is the first release that featured wgpu-info as a binary crate for getting information about what devices wgpu sees in your system. It can dump the information in both human readable format and json.

Major Changes

This release was fairly minor as breaking changes go.

wgpu types now !Send !Sync on wasm

Up until this point, wgpu has made the assumption that threads do not exist on wasm. With the rise of libraries like wasm_thread making it easier and easier to do wasm multithreading this assumption is no longer sound. As all wgpu objects contain references into the JS heap, they cannot leave the thread they started on.

As we understand that this change might be very inconvenient for users who don't care about wasm threading, there is a crate feature which re-enables the old behavior: fragile-send-sync-non-atomic-wasm. So long as you don't compile your code with -Ctarget-feature=+atomics, Send and Sync will be implemented again on wgpu types on wasm. As the name implies, especially for libraries, this is very fragile, as you don't know if a user will want to compile with atomics (and therefore threads) or not.

By @daxpedda in #3691

Power Preference is now optional

The power_preference field of RequestAdapterOptions is now optional. If it is PowerPreference::None, we will choose the first available adapter, preferring GPU adapters over CPU adapters.

By @Aaron1011 in #3903

initialize_adapter_from_env argument changes

Removed the backend_bits parameter from initialize_adapter_from_env and initialize_adapter_from_env_or_default. If you want to limit the backends used by this function, only enable the watned backends in the instance.

Added a compatible surface parameter, to ensure the given device is able to be presented onto the given surface.

- wgpu::util::initialize_adapter_from_env(instance, backend_bits);
+ wgpu::util::initialize_adapter_from_env(instance, Some(&compatible_surface));

By @fornwall in #3904 and #3905

Misc Breaking Changes

  • Change AdapterInfo::{device,vendor} to be u32 instead of usize. By @ameknite in #3760


  • Added support for importing external buffers using buffer_from_raw (Dx12, Metal, Vulkan) and create_buffer_from_hal. By @AdrianEddy in #3355


Added/New Features

  • Empty scissor rects are allowed now, matching the specification. by @PJB3005 in #3863.
  • Add back components info to TextureFormats. By @teoxoy in #3843.


  • Better documentation for draw, draw_indexed, set_viewport and set_scissor_rect. By @genusistimelord in #3860
  • Fix link to GPUVertexBufferLayout. By @fornwall in #3906
  • Document feature requirements for DEPTH32FLOAT_STENCIL8 by @ErichDonGubler in #3734.
  • Flesh out docs. for AdapterInfo::{device,vendor} by @ErichDonGubler in #3763.
  • Spell out which sizes are in bytes. By @jimblandy in #3773.
  • Validate that descriptor.usage is not empty in create_buffer by @nical in #3928
  • Update max_bindings_per_bind_group limit to reflect spec changes by @ErichDonGubler and @nical in #3943 #3942

Bug Fixes


  • Fix order of arguments to glPolygonOffset by @komadori in #3783.
  • Fix OpenGL/EGL backend not respecting non-sRGB texture formats in SurfaceConfiguration. by @liquidev in #3817
  • Make write- and read-only marked buffers match non-readonly layouts. by @fornwall in #3893
  • Fix leaking X11 connections. by @wez in #3924
  • Fix ASTC feature selection in the webgl backend. by @expenses in #3934
  • Fix Multiview to disable validation of TextureViewDimension and ArrayLayerCount. By @MalekiRe in #3779.


  • Fix incorrect aspect in barriers when using emulated Stencil8 textures. By @cwfitzgerald in #3833.
  • Implement depth-clip-control using depthClamp instead of VK_EXT_depth_clip_enable. By @AlbinBernhardssonARM #3892.


  • Fix renderpasses being used inside of renderpasses. By @cwfitzgerald in #3828
  • Support (simulated) visionOS. By @jinleili in #3883


  • Disable suballocation on Intel Iris(R) Xe. By @xiaopengli89 in #3668


  • Use get_preferred_canvas_format() to fill formats of SurfaceCapabilities. By @jinleili in #3744


  • Publish examples to wgpu.rs on updates to trunk branch instead of gecko. By @paul-hansen in #3750
  • Ignore the exception values generated by the winit resize event. By @jinleili in #3916


11 months ago

This release includes the crate wgpu. The crate wgpu-core is still at 0.16.1, wgpu-types and wgpu-hal are still at 0.16.2.



  • Make the Id type that is exposed when using the expose-ids feature implement Send and Sync again. This was unintentionally changed by the v0.16.0 release and is now fixed.


11 months ago

This release includes wgpu, wgpu-hal, and wgpu-types. The crate wgpu-core are still at 0.16.1.



  • Increase the max_storage_buffers_per_shader_stage and max_storage_textures_per_shader_stage limits based on what the hardware supports. by @Elabajaba in [#3798]https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/pull/3798


1 year ago

This release includes wgpu, wgpu-core, and wgpu-hal. The crate wgpu-types are still at 0.16.0.


  • Fix crash on dropping wgpu::CommandBuffer. By @wumpf in #3726.
  • Use u32s internally for bind group indices, rather than u8. By @ErichDonGubler in #3743.


  • Fix missing 4X MSAA support on some OpenGL backends. By @emilk in #3780


  • Fix crash when calling create_surface_from_canvas. By @grovesNL in #3718


1 year ago

Major changes

Shader Changes

type has been replaced with alias to match with upstream WebGPU.

- type MyType = vec4<u32>;
+ alias MyType = vec4<u32>;

TextureFormat info API

The TextureFormat::describe function was removed in favor of separate functions: block_dimensions, is_compressed, is_srgb, required_features, guaranteed_format_features, sample_type and block_size.

- let block_dimensions = format.describe().block_dimensions;
+ let block_dimensions = format.block_dimensions();
- let is_compressed = format.describe().is_compressed();
+ let is_compressed = format.is_compressed();
- let is_srgb = format.describe().srgb;
+ let is_srgb = format.is_srgb();
- let required_features = format.describe().required_features;
+ let required_features = format.required_features();

Additionally guaranteed_format_features now takes a set of features to assume are enabled.

- let guaranteed_format_features = format.describe().guaranteed_format_features;
+ let guaranteed_format_features = format.guaranteed_format_features(device.features());

Additionally sample_type and block_size now take an optional TextureAspect and return Options.

- let sample_type = format.describe().sample_type;
+ let sample_type = format.sample_type(None).expect("combined depth-stencil format requires specifying a TextureAspect");
- let block_size = format.describe().block_size;
+ let block_size = format.block_size(None).expect("combined depth-stencil format requires specifying a TextureAspect");

By @teoxoy in #3436


Buffers used as the destination argument of CommandEncoder::resolve_query_set now have to contain the QUERY_RESOLVE usage instead of the COPY_DST usage.

  let destination = device.create_buffer(&wgpu::BufferDescriptor {
      // ...
-     usage: wgpu::BufferUsages::COPY_DST | wgpu::BufferUsages::MAP_READ,
+     usage: wgpu::BufferUsages::QUERY_RESOLVE | wgpu::BufferUsages::MAP_READ,
      mapped_at_creation: false,
  command_encoder.resolve_query_set(&query_set, query_range, &destination, destination_offset);

By @JolifantoBambla in #3489

Renamed features

The following Features have been renamed.


By @teoxoy in #3534

Anisotropic Filtering

Anisotropic filtering has been brought in line with the spec. The anisotropic clamp is now a u16 (was a Option<u8>) which must be at least 1.

If the anisotropy clamp is not 1, all the filters in a sampler must be Linear.

SamplerDescriptor {
-    anisotropic_clamp: None,
+    anisotropic_clamp: 1,

By @cwfitzgerald in #3610.

TextureFormat Names

Some texture format names have changed to get back in line with the spec.

- TextureFormat::Bc6hRgbSfloat
+ TextureFormat::Bc6hRgbFloat

By @cwfitzgerald in #3671.

Misc Breaking Changes

  • Change type of mip_level_count and array_layer_count (members of TextureViewDescriptor and ImageSubresourceRange) from Option<NonZeroU32> to Option<u32>. By @teoxoy in #3445
  • Change type of bytes_per_row and rows_per_image (members of ImageDataLayout) from Option<NonZeroU32> to Option<u32>. By @teoxoy in #3529
  • On Web, Instance::create_surface_from_canvas() and create_surface_from_offscreen_canvas() now take the canvas by value. By @daxpedda in #3690



  • Added TextureFormatFeatureFlags::MULTISAMPLE_X16. By @Dinnerbone in #3454
  • Added BufferUsages::QUERY_RESOLVE. By @JolifantoBambla in #3489
  • Support stencil-only views and copying to/from combined depth-stencil textures. By @teoxoy in #3436
  • Added Features::SHADER_EARLY_DEPTH_TEST. By @teoxoy in #3494
  • All fxhash dependencies have been replaced with rustc-hash. By @james7132 in #3502
  • Allow copying of textures with copy-compatible formats. By @teoxoy in #3528
  • Improve attachment related errors. By @cwfitzgerald in #3549
  • Make error descriptions all upper case. By @cwfitzgerald in #3549
  • Don't include ANSI terminal color escape sequences in shader module validation error messages. By @jimblandy in #3591
  • Report error messages from DXC compile. By @Davidster in #3632
  • Error in native when using a filterable TextureSampleType::Float on a multisample BindingType::Texture. By @mockersf in #3686
  • On Web, the size of the canvas is adjusted when using Surface::configure(). If the canvas was given an explicit size (via CSS), this will not affect the visual size of the canvas. By @daxpedda in #3690


  • Implement the new checks for readonly stencils. By @JCapucho in #3443
  • Reimplement adapter|device_features. By @jinleili in #3428
  • Implement command_encoder_resolve_query_set. By @JolifantoBambla in #3489
  • Add support for Features::RG11B10UFLOAT_RENDERABLE. By @mockersf in #3689


  • Set max_memory_allocation_size via PhysicalDeviceMaintenance3Properties. By @jinleili in #3567
  • Silence false-positive validation error about surface resizing. By @seabassjh in #3627

Bug Fixes


  • copyTextureToTexture src/dst aspects must both refer to all aspects of src/dst format. By @teoxoy in #3431
  • Validate before extracting texture selectors. By @teoxoy in #3487
  • Fix fatal errors (those which panic even if an error handler is set) not including all of the details. By @kpreid in #3563
  • Validate shader location clashes. By @emilk in #3613
  • Fix surfaces not being dropped until exit. By @benjaminschaaf in #3647


  • Fix handling of None values for depth_ops and stencil_ops in RenderPassDescriptor::depth_stencil_attachment. By @niklaskorz in #3660
  • Avoid using WasmAbi functions for WebGPU backend. By @grovesNL in #3657


  • Use typeless formats for textures that might be viewed as srgb or non-srgb. By @teoxoy in #3555


  • Set FORCE_POINT_SIZE if it is vertex shader with mesh consist of point list. By @REASY in 3440
  • Remove unwraps inside surface.configure. By @cwfitzgerald in #3585
  • Fix copy_external_image_to_texture, copy_texture_to_texture and copy_buffer_to_texture not taking the specified index into account if the target texture is a cube map, 2D texture array or cube map array. By @daxpedda #3641
  • Fix disabling of vertex attributes with non-consecutive locations. By @Azorlogh in #3706


  • Fix metal erroring on an array_stride of 0. By @teoxoy in #3538
  • create_texture returns an error if new_texture returns NULL. By @jinleili in #3554
  • Fix shader bounds checking being ignored. By @FL33TW00D in #3603


  • Treat VK_SUBOPTIMAL_KHR as VK_SUCCESS on Android due to rotation issues. By @James2022-rgb in #3525


  • Use BufferUsages::QUERY_RESOLVE instead of BufferUsages::COPY_DST for buffers used in CommandEncoder::resolve_query_set calls in mipmap example. By @JolifantoBambla in #3489


1 year ago

This was released as wgpu-hal version 0.15.4 due to a previous publishing issue. All other crates remain unbumped

Bug Fixes


  • Fix incorrect mipmap being sampled when using MinLod <= 0.0 and MaxLod >= 32.0 or when the fragment shader samples different Lods in the same quad. By @cwfitzgerald in #3610.


  • Fix Vertex buffer is not big enough for the draw call. for ANGLE/Web when rendering with instance attributes on a single instance. By @wumpf in #3596
  • Reset all queue state between command buffers in a submit. By @jleibs #3589
  • Reset the state of SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE on queue reset. By @jleibs #3589


1 year ago

Bug Fixes


  • Fix definition of NSOperatingSystemVersion to avoid potential crashes. By @grovesNL in #3557


  • Enable WEBGL_debug_renderer_info before querying unmasked vendor/renderer to avoid crashing on emscripten by @coderedart in #3519


1 year ago



  • Fix for some minor issues in comments on some features. By @Wumpf in #3455


  • Improve format MSAA capabilities detection. By @jinleili in #3429


  • Update gpu allocator to 0.22. By @Elabajaba in #3447


  • Implement CommandEncoder::clear_buffer. By @raphlinus in #3426

Bug Fixes


  • Re-sort supported surface formats based on srgb-ness. By @cwfitzgerald in #3444


  • Fix surface view formats validation error. By @jinleili in #3432


  • Fix DXC validation issues when using a custom dxil_path. By @Elabajaba in #3434


  • Unbind vertex buffers at end of renderpass. By @cwfitzgerald in #3459


  • Reimplement {adapter|device}_features. By @jinleili in #3428



  • Build for WASM on docs.rs. By @daxpedda in #3462