Within Viewport Versions Save

JavaScript utility that determines whether an element is completely within the browser viewport


11 months ago
  • Adds ESM support, in addition to the existing CommonJS support (#140)


1 year ago
  • New: Adds a promise-based function withinViewportAsync that uses IntersectionObserver
  • Breaking change: the side option is no longer supported directly, see README for how to migrate
  • Deprecation notice: the function name is now camelCase, i.e. withinViewport with a capital V. The old spelling will still work but it will log a warning to the console.
  • New: TypeScript support and type definitions
  • Changed: revamped demo page


5 years ago


8 years ago
  • Fixed bug where block-level elements wrapped in inline elements would have their position miscalculated
  • Faster performance
  • Added IE 7 support
  • Removed deprecated withinViewport camelCase naming