WuKongIM Versions Save



1 month ago


1 month ago
  • fix: unix within connection replaced with syscall
  • fix: conn context is nil
  • fix: remove fmt.println
  • fix: Print logs counting conversation exits
  • fix: Solve the problem of deadlock caused by abnormal connection closing
  • feat: add ConnMatrix, manager conn
  • fix: remove syscall.Dup2
  • fix: delete fd from poller bad file descriptor
  • fix: Solve the concurrency problem with the tlsConn attribute in the w…
  • prefor: Optimize performance
  • prefor: Optimize performance
  • feat: Add channel disbandment reason code
  • fix: Improve the logic of channel deletion interface


  • 连接里的unix用syscall取代为了兼容windows

  • 解决连接上下文有时候为空,导致服务崩溃

  • 严重:解决连接关闭时,偶发触发死锁的情况,导致服务不可用

  • 更换连接管理的方式

  • 解决连接关闭时,会重复移除fd的问题

  • 解决tlsConn的并发问题

  • 优化性能

  • 增加频道解散状态

  • 完善频道删除的逻辑


2 months ago
  • fix: go.mod go version to 1.22 (升级go.mode的版本到1.22)
  • fix: fixed fd deletion failure, causing fd to be used by other new connections (解决连接关闭时没有正确删除fd,导致消息串到其他fd上)
  • fix: #127
  • chore: use fmt.Errorf (使用fmt.Errorf拼接错误)
  • chore: drop ioutil package (移除ioutil包)
  • fix: solve the problem that the RouteAPI log object is not initialized, causing it to crash when calling this log printing(解决RouteAPI对象里没有初始化Log对象的问题,导致请求到RouteAPI会崩溃)
  • fix: solve the problem of crash caused by conversation map competition lock (解决conversationManager里多并发下导致Map锁竞争)
  • fix: solve the problem of a large number of connections being closed at the same time, causing the CPU to soar (解决大量连接同时关闭时,导致CPU飙升并且不降下来)


3 months ago
  • chore: upgrade slsa-verifier to 2.5.1 (升级CI工具 slsa-verifier)
  • chore: upgrade slsa-github-generator (升级CI工具 slsa-github-generator)
  • fix: solve the problem of empty aeskey in obtaining connection (解决连接获取aeskey出现空指针问题)
  • fix: ants.NewPool panic log Println (增加协程池崩溃时记录详细堆栈信息)
  • fix: index append add lock。 (修复并发下导致索引错误问题)
  • fix: fixed the problem of blocking the current connection when the message under websocket is too long. (解决websocket连接下,内容过长导致连接阻塞问题)


4 months ago
  • fix: fix the problem of invalid blacklist
  • feat: add parameters of ignoreMissingConfig
  • fix: personal channel whitelist verification is turned off by default
  • fix: fixed the issue where non-friends can still chat
  • fix: If the configuration is incorrect the program should panic
  • fix: upgrade WuKongIMProto
  • fix: the slave device kicks out the same deviceID
  • fix: fix the problem of writing diffusion message messageSeq error
  • docs: update
  • docs: add tsdaodao case
  • fix: large group unreadcount error
  • fix: fixed the problem of null pointer appearing under Conn SetMaxIdle
  • fix: get the connection object through deviceID

  • 解决黑名单无效的问题
  • 增加ignoreMissingConfig配置
  • 个人白名单默认设置成关闭
  • 修复解除好友关系后还能聊天的问题
  • 如果指定了配置文件的路径,如果配置文件不存在则程序应该崩溃
  • 升级WuKongIM协议
  • slave设备如果deviceID相同则应该踢出
  • 修复cmd消息messageSeq错误问题
  • 更新README文档
  • 解决大群未读数错误问题
  • 解决Conn SetMaxIdle内空指针问题
  • 通过deviceId获取连接对象 )


7 months ago


8 months ago


10 months ago


11 months ago