XclausX Raccoon Stealer Save Abandoned


Project README


How to use?

  1. Download this repository
  2. Open arhcive from this repository and exctract everything to Dekstop
  3. Install panel on hosting
  4. Open builder.exe and add admin panel
  5. Enjoy


I am NOT responsible for any demages caused by this software to anyone. I do NOT support any malicious use of this software. This is for educational purposes only.




Download Password Virustotal

Q: Why file uploaded on other website?

A: Because of the limitation of uploading file size on github.

Q: Why the file have password?

A: to reduce false positive detection from upload host. (virustotal link include the scanned file without the password)

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "XclausX Raccoon Stealer" Project. README Source: XclausX/Raccoon-Stealer

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