Xmr Miner Save

Web-based Cryptocurrency miner, built with Vue.js

Project README

Monero Mine

Monero (XMR) mining app, built with Vue.js and hashes visualized with D3

  • built as an experiment with CPU mining and for educational purposes only

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Uses the Coinhive Javascript Miner

Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build

Built using $ vue-cli webpack-simple

Author not affiliated with CoinHive


  • XMR: 49nRim1yjAkHod5G6xMJjZH2z6ZACLmiT7E9JikoiTYVMPsbrZEc95HECqTZ7qLNBKAYVpv4uteYG1PiZkHGm9vhN9oZTSt
  • ETH: 0xa1c4d60a7b7d4b0d4834830e6d4a85186cdc80d4
  • BTC: 1Fw3T5WJUBqHtTQAotdh4HEgEs4HF5mW2H
  • LTC: LhoZ4edCFMc7rP4Y34xVrqMnE4T6RKufXv
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Xmr Miner" Project. README Source: bradoyler/xmr-miner
Open Issues
Last Commit
6 years ago

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