YieldStudio Tailwind Merge Php Versions Save

Merge multiple Tailwind CSS classes and automatically resolves conflicts between them without headaches ! First-class support for Laravel ✨


11 months ago

What's Changed

See tailwind-merge v1.14.0: https://github.com/dcastil/tailwind-merge/releases/tag/v1.14.0

Full Changelog: https://github.com/YieldStudio/tailwind-merge-php/compare/0.0.2...0.0.3


1 year ago

What's Changed

  • Laravel support
  • Replace Laravel Collections (40% faster without them)
  • Remove the general tw_merge helper

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/YieldStudio/tailwind-merge-php/compare/0.0.1...0.0.2


1 year ago

Experimental release 🥳

The stable version will be available in the coming weeks.