Zhiiiyang Tidytuesday Save

:bar_chart: :paintbrush: Data visualization collection

Project README

Zhi  Data Visualization Gallery 

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Table of Contents (click to expand)

How to make an interactive treemap using treemap and d3treeR

Data: introduction of #TidyTuesday media franchise data here

Code: click here

Note: to interact with the treemaps, please go to the post

How to make an geofacet waffle chart using geofacet

Data: introduction of #TidyTuesday school diversity data here

Code: click here

Note: go to andriy-gazin/geowaffle to see the original post

How to make a map using geofacet

How to make an animated picture using gganimate

Code: click here

How to make a heatmap of your Twitter activity using ggplot2

Code: click here

How to make a radar/spider plot of your tweet frequency using ggplot2

Code: click here

How to make a heatmap using ggplot2 and reticulate

Code: click here
Note: this work was inspired by the post on Reddit.

How to make a Sankey diagram and a Word Cloud using networkD3 and wordcloud2

Code: click here

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Zhiiiyang Tidytuesday" Project. README Source: zhiiiyang/tidytuesday
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1 year ago

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