ZoomBrute.py Save Abandoned

ZoomBrute.py is a simple script that automatically tests random Zoom meeting codes, to brute force meetings.

Project README


This script is archived, and is not being maintained anymore.

zer0mania is developing a method that uses requests, instead of selenium (much better) You can find it here: https://github.com/zer0mania/zoom-scraper


A program that automatically tests random Zoom meeting codes, to brute force meetings.

This is just a quick script i made that generates either a random 9 or 10 char number, and tries to use it on zoom. If it works, it'll tell you.

Example gif


  1. You need to have the newest public version of chrome installed
  2. You need selenium installed. You can do so by typing pip install selenium in cmd or powershell.


  1. Download the python 3.8 from the microsoft store``
  2. Open powershell (or cmd) and CD to the directory where main.py is located
  3. Type in python main.py to start the script
  4. Enter a proxy if needed, if not, just press enter without writing anything.
  5. Done! The program will automatically try different codes, and put the working ones inside working.txt
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "ZoomBrute.py" Project. README Source: DDDASHXD/ZoomBrute.py
Open Issues
Last Commit
9 months ago

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