Zoomhub Save

Share and view high-resolution images effortlessly

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An open-source cloud service for viewing arbitrarily high-resolution zoomable images.

Inspired by, and has taken over, the similar former Microsoft service zoom.it. This is a full, from-scratch rewrite, brought to you by the same developers who built the original zoom.it.


This service is running live at zoom.it. We aren’t accepting any new content for now, but all old zoom.it content should continue to work.

This service also includes a REST API, available at api.zoom.it (e.g. /v1/content/4rcn). For details and API documentation, see API.md.

You can also run this code and host the service on your own. The codebase is still a work-in-progress, but we can try to help if you need.

If you wish to run this on your own, or to contribute to our development, please see CONTRIBUTING.md for instructions.


You can join our Google Group or email us at [email protected].


Feel free to file bugs, request features, and ask questions on GitHub Issues. That’s also where we’re tracking TODOs and remaining work.


Special thanks to:

  • Bill Crow (RIP) and David Vos for keeping zoom.it alive at Microsoft through the years, and helping us transition it when its time came. They moved mountains to get us both the data and the domain.

  • OpenSeadragon for providing the zooming viewer.

  • VIPS for providing blazing-fast DZI generation.

  • All of our contributors for their time and energy. This project is entirely a labor of love, and all of us have our own day jobs. Maintaining any open-source project is work, but running a live, production service on top of that is something even more.


This code is open-source under the MIT license.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Zoomhub" Project. README Source: zoomhub/zoomhub
Open Issues
Last Commit
2 weeks ago

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