Zorka Versions Save

Sophisticated monitoring agent for Java


5 months ago

JDK 17 compatibility fixes.


3 years ago

Small fixes


4 years ago

Fixes: prometheus and zipkin integrations, TLS for built in HTTP server and client.


4 years ago

Mainly bugfixes and stabilization. Collector components have been simplified to be more robust and better scale in setups with external database (elastic).


4 years ago
  • bug fixes and minor (non-functional) improvements to tracer, collector components;

  • password encryption/decryption functions visible from scripts;


4 years ago

This release brings a lot of serious changes, breaking compatibility with 1.0.x versions:

  • support for ZipkinV2 API (JSON), zorka can now feed both zipkin and jaeger;

  • all attributes and labels changed to match OpenTracing conventions (in zipkin/jaeger and in zico);

  • thread monitoring is now reworked and simplified;

  • removed old unused components (snmp trapper, nagios integration, normalizers framework);

  • removed ZICO 1.0.x and ZICO protocol support (only HTTP/CBOR protocol now supported);

  • simplified HTTP/CBOR trace submission protocol / data format;

  • tracing context propagation now compatible with established standards (B3/Jaeger/W3C);


5 years ago

This release fixes some bugs and updates ASM dependency to newest version, so applications on JDK11 should work properly.


5 years ago

Various fixes and performance improvements. TLS/SSL support for agent-collector connections.


5 years ago

Lots of smaller changes & fixes, mostly for Spring Boot 2.x microservices. Agent registration in ZICO 2.x can now be performed from command line prior to running monitored application.


5 years ago

Brings high performance streaming tracer and automatic tracer tuning that automatically excludes methods that are called too often. Streaming tracer is still not yet fully stable and is disabled by default. Tracer tuner is now enabled by default and has replaced most of old manual tracer exclusions.